- Joined
- Oct 7, 2007
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Since I introduced the plugin HSWeb, I've been thinking about a far more customisable and cleaner version of a 'Website in a Gallery' Web plugin. I've literally spent almost all my spare time rewriting this from the ground up since then. In fact all the code has been completely replaced the with new Lightroom 2.' SDK code and so is brand new. Even the Contact Form has been updated to give much prettier returns.

LRB Porfolio features.
[li]A true Website in a Gallery[/li]
[li]Lightroom 2 compatible-Not for Lightroom 1[/li]
[li]Wesbite featuring a Home, About and Contact pages, along with up to 6 galleries or external links.[/li]
[li]A PHP contact form to make you contactable, but keeping your email address hidden.[/li]
[li]For those without PHP, a series of contact details that you can pick and choose between, including Contact Name, Email, email link, phone number, address etc.[/li]
[li]Choose the images for the Home, About and Contact page yourself.[/li]
[li]Colour controls for each section of the page.[/li]
[li]Simple clean look, with scrolling galleries, a popular look currently.[/li]
[li]All HTML and CSS, so compatible for a wide range of users.[/li]
[li]Full User Guide (that took a bit of time!)[/li]
[li]Controls for menu and Identity Plate placement (left, centre, right)[/li]
[li]Full Lightroom 2 SDK code, including new Output Sharpening code.[/li]
[li]Requires only minor HTML for line breaks, otherwise code free for the User[/li]
[li]Requires no HTML editor[/li]
[li]Optional Right Click and Drag Disable[/li]
The cost of the plugin? €1' (about $15). VAT chargable in the EU. Updates will be free to current users. (please note this is the old introductory price from 2''8-price is now €15)
To see a sample gallery, download the User Guide to review the controls, or make a purchase, please go to http://lrbportfolio.com
Support questions can be added to this thread.
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