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Lr mobile - flag multiple images at once?

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Active Member
Nov 28, 2010
The Netherlands
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  1. iOS
Hi all,
I am finally exploring Lr mobile on iPad. My usual LrC workflow starts with marking all new images as rejected, then only mark the promising ones as Picks. Is there a way to do that in Lr mobile? I can select some images, yes, but then how do I flag them all at once?

Alternatively, I’d need to adapt and start with unflagged images, flag only the picks , sync to LrC and select all unflagged images and mark as rejected from there.

I can select some images, yes, but then how do I flag them all at once?
I don't think you can.

Your alternative is the way I would usually do it, though I tend to work the other way, i.e. I flag the definite rejects first, which can be then filtered out to leave the remainder for processing (which may then lead to further rejections/deletions).
You can do it on Android, but not on iOS. And yes that's a strange oversight.
Thank you both. My approach has always been to set all to rejected, then flag picks (usually 20-25%) and rate from there: set all images to 2 stars first and then go one by one to rate 3, 4 or 5. This is - for me - the least amount of clicks (or taps).

I can live with leaving all to unflagged. However I will also be unable to rate multiple images at once.

It’s good to know. Thanks again.

By the way: I am testing all this on a very old iPad Air 2 (iPhone 6 era) and I am very surprised how responsive Lr mobile is. There is almost no lag when flipping through the different functions, even with edits. Well done Adobe for light programming.
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