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LR Mobile and LR Classic - photos are reverting back to original file and not holding edits

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Mar 7, 2020
Lightroom Version Number
Operating System
  1. Windows 10
I noticed today that when I go in to look at photos in my LR Classic catalog that I have already developed/edited, they are reverting back to the original file when I go to open them/view them. All the hard work I have done to make edits over the years seems to be for naught. How can I stop this from happening? Any help is appreciated. I believe it may have something to do with the synch/connection to LR Mobile. Develop History is showing "LR Mobile" as the most recent stage.
if the history panel for such a "reverted" image shows "LR Mobile" at the top of the list, that would imply that the reset came from one fo the LR/Cloud apps. Do an experiment

Do some edits on an image in Classic. Then verify the history panel shows those edits on top. Then go about your normal activities for a day or two while periodically checking the history file for that image to see if was reverted. In other words see if you can replicate the problem. If it does revert, then pause cloud sync and repeat the experiment.
Thanks for getting back to me. I have not been in my LR catalogue for a while but just went in today to check out some photos for our Christmas card. I clicked on the photos I wanted (they are in a collection) and same thing - they reverted to original. I can go into the history panel and click on the latest adjustment (which isn't LR mobile, it was something to do with saturation) and it restores the photo with all of my adjustments, but I have to do this individually for each photo in Develop mode.
It sure sounds like you reverted all your images at some point - probably inadvertantly. Do you see a "revert" step in the history panel at all for any of these images? Maybe send us a screen shot of the history panel for one of them.

Also, please send screen shot of lower right corner of Develop Module screen. I want to see those two buttons at the bottom of the right panel group.
Here is the file back to the original as soon as I clicked on it.
Very odd indeed.

Use Windows file manager to see if there is an xmp file for these problematic images. If there is, rename it or delete it and see if that helps. If not, as a last resort, you may want to Reset Preferences.
If resetting preferences doesn't help (it often unexpectedly fixes strange behavior), some other troubleshooting steps:

1. Before clicking on the latest History step, does a problem image look the same (reverted) in both Library Loupe and Develop?

2. If you zoom to 100%, does a problem image look the same (reverted) in both Library Loupe and Develop?

3. Set Preferences > Performance > Use Graphics Processor to Off and then view a problem image in Develop. Does it display properly?

4. Do Preferences > Performance > Camera Raw Cache Settings > Purge Cache and then restart LR. Do the problem images display properly in Develop?
What's odd (among other things) is if I am in develop mode I see the filmstrip at the bottom of my screen for the date or collection that I am in, but when I click on an image it doesn't pop up into the develop window. I can only get the image in the library loupe - and then it reverts, and if I click on develop module I can go back to the last item in the history to fix it. A LOT of the images have "LR Mobile" (and in some cases lists that 2 or 3 times) as the most recent item in History. If I reset Preferences, what will I have to go back and "fix" or set up again?

Check that - I restarted LR and I can click on the images in the filmstrip. Regardless of whether I click in library loupe or develop loupe, they revert back...
I did change the graphics setting you suggested - didn't seem to help. I was getting error messages when starting LR to upgrade my Intel graphics card a while back - can't remember if it was before or after I was having issues but I did upgrade it to the latest version shortly after getting warned.
I tried everything above to no avail. Happy to share screens over a Zoom or something so you can see this in real time ... I know that may be beyond what you are interested in doing but I need to sort this out. I am convinced there is something going on with the LR mobile sync, but oddly enough clicking on the "LR Mobile" in the history that gets it back to "normal" as the most recent step in the history.
In your screen shots of the woman taking a selfie, I don't see any LR Mobile entries in the history panel. This would lead me to belive that it is not related to cloud sync (of course I could be wrong - again).

I'm not sure if you did this already, but you may want to turn off cloud sync for awhile. Then "fix" a bunch of images as you have been doing and see if the problem comes back on those "fixed" images. If the problem still occures, that will rule out Cloud Sync. However, if the does not come back with Cloud Sync off, then it sort of points a finger at cloud sync and we can look more in that area for the cause.
Thanks. I have paused the cloud synch. I keep going into random collections and clicking on photos and they are still reverting - most have "From Lr Mobile" as the latest item in History panel, and again, multiple times but as you can see in this attachment for example, is that I haven't touched this photo since exporting it 6 years ago.
And once the images are "fixed" they don't revert but it can't possibly mean that every time I open an image I am going to have to manually click to the most recent item in the history panel to get it to my final edits. Wonder if there is some other bug that is causing this.
In your screen shots of the woman taking a selfie, I don't see any LR Mobile entries in the history panel. This would lead me to belive that it is not related to cloud sync (of course I could be wrong - again).

I'm not sure if you did this already, but you may want to turn off cloud sync for awhile. Then "fix" a bunch of images as you have been doing and see if the problem comes back on those "fixed" images. If the problem still occures, that will rule out Cloud Sync. However, if the does not come back with Cloud Sync off, then it sort of points a finger at cloud sync and we can look more in that area for the cause.
Okay. I will pause it - see the other post I put below in response to someone else who is trying to help.
I have synch paused. In this collection I see some of the images in the filmstrip at the bottom of my screen but not all. When in Library Loupe, if I open an image it reverts back (I see it happening). If I click on develop module there is nothing in the History loupe but there should be something there for importing the file and I think the only edit on this one was a slight crop and straighten. Same cirucmstances for the other photos in this collection.


So I have had synch paused for a while now. today I developed some photos and turned synch on so I could get them on the LR mobile app. While I was in LR Classic on my laptop I opened up a few collections just to see if any issues were cleared up. The same thing is happening - photos are going back to original import and there is a "LR Mobile" in the history panel (in most cases listed twice) and if I click on it the most recent version of the photo appears in the develop window. So frustrating...please if you have any other ideas I would love to hear them.
Okay. I will pause it - see the other post I put below in response to someone else who is trying to help.
In your screen shots of the woman taking a selfie, I don't see any LR Mobile entries in the history panel. This would lead me to belive that it is not related to cloud sync (of course I could be wrong - again).

I'm not sure if you did this already, but you may want to turn off cloud sync for awhile. Then "fix" a bunch of images as you have been doing and see if the problem comes back on those "fixed" images. If the problem still occures, that will rule out Cloud Sync. However, if the does not come back with Cloud Sync off, then it sort of points a finger at cloud sync and we can look more in that area for the cause.
I just added to the thread below - any additional insight is appreciated. And happy to do a Zoom/with screenshare if that is an option you are up for.
I just added to the thread below - any additional insight is appreciated. And happy to do a Zoom/with screenshare if that is an option you are up for.
So, with newly edited images, the problem did not occur while Cloud sync was paused, but after you turned sync back on you got the (2) LR Mobile entries in the Classic History and the images reverted to as imported, is that correct?

If so, and especially as the most recent history entries refer to "LR Mobile", it sure looks like someting is happening in the Adobe Cloud side that is resetting your images. We just need to figure out what that is.

During this test period, did you use any of the LR/Cloud apps and if so which ones and did you do anything concerning the test images with them?

Is it possible that you shared your Adobe Account login informaiton with someone (perhaps so they could look at your images) and they are accessing the images from their devices? Perhaps your account credentials were stolen and someone unknown to you is using LR/Cloudy apss with your account . To eliminate this possibility, at least temporarily, you may want to turn on two factor verificaiton. Do this through the www.adobe.com web site (not the creative cloud app).
Thanks for the reply. I definitely didn't give out my credentials and I don't think they were stolen. The shared collections that anyone can view in my LR Mobile app don't have read/write privileges.

I just developed some new images this weekend. I just went to go back in and check them out - everything is fine - no "reverting back".

Separately, I went into LR Mobile on my phone and called up an older collection from a few years ago. The images don't revert while in LR Mobile, but if I open that same collection in LR Classic on my laptop they all revert with "LR Mobile" as the most recent item in History.

As an example - this photo below when viewed on LR Mobile was cropped and centered - the man pushing the broom is cropped out. But when I open it in LR Classic it reverts, and through synch, it reverts on LR Mobile as well to original file. Once I select "LR Mobile" in the history panel it goes back to the edited version in both LR mobile and Classic. It just makes no sense that "LR Mobile" (in most cases) is the most recent item in the History panel but that is not the default adjustment.

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