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Library module LR internal error SQL with metadata in library


New Member
Sep 30, 2024
Lightroom Version Number
Operating System
  1. Windows 11
When I want to sync meta data in the library, I had an error in the databse

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Besides of that, in some cases (not only those with multiple select and sync) I mention a label, a title or a description but then don't show up in the library. But LR has the data somewhere because he can filter on it and will provide it while exporting.

This bug is highly inconvenient when keywording and titeling large amounts of photo's (for AdobeStock or press agencies) since what you see on the screen is not what you get.

I checked the integrity of the catalogus: no problem found.

Here the label is blue but doesn't turn blue, for exemple.

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I used the Export (or Import into an empty catalog) to do a reset of my catalog every 18 months approx. I am now more guarded about doing this myself and also guarded re recommending this to others.

The reason is that Adobe keep an internal link to your original catalog , which is not transferred to the new Exported Catalog. Adobe thus identified that this new catalog is different and sets in train a sequences of actions to reset the synch status.

I am not expert enough to fully understand the fine details of this but be wary if you have a lot of synched images in your catalog / cloud account.

I hope this whole synch eco system gets updated processes and documentation soon.
I used the Export (or Import into an empty catalog) to do a reset of my catalog every 18 months approx. I am now more guarded about doing this myself and also guarded re recommending this to others.

The reason is that Adobe keep an internal link to your original catalog , which is not transferred to the new Exported Catalog. Adobe thus identified that this new catalog is different and sets in train a sequences of actions to reset the synch status.

I am not expert enough to fully understand the fine details of this but be wary if you have a lot of synched images in your catalog / cloud account.

I hope this whole synch eco system gets updated processes and documentation soon.
Thanks, I have no SYNC images since I don't work with the cloud. But indeed: Exporting and making a new catlog should no be daily business, it's an emergency solution because of a not resolved error. It's the first time I did this BTW.