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LR Desktop - missing image green sync icons

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Feb 25, 2022
Lightroom Version Number
Operating System
  1. Windows 11
Up until recently, when I had LR Desktop indicating original images in the cloud synced with original images stored locally, a green synced icon would also appear in the top right corner of each individual LR Desktop image.
Mysteriously, these green synced icons have now disappeared from each LR Desktop individual image (see LR Desktop screenshots below).
(also included a LR Classic screenshot indicating synced)

LR Desktop
Screenshot 2024-07-10 134210.pngScreenshot 2024-07-10 134530 arrowed.png

LR Classic
Screenshot 2024-07-10 135312.png

Have searched other forum posts and not found this particular sync issue.
Not sure if it's something wrong at my end or perhaps due to a LR update (maybe it's of no consequence anyway).
Has anyone experienced this same issue?
Would appreciate any thoughts.
I don't ever remember the green "synced and available offline" icon appearing on the thumbnail image itself, it only appears below the image in the Square grid, like this:


It's difficult to be certain from your screenshot, but it looks as though you are using the Photo grid, which I don't think ever displays any icons.
I don't ever remember the green "synced and available offline" icon appearing on the thumbnail image itself, it only appears below the image in the Square grid, like this:


It's difficult to be certain from your screenshot, but it looks as though you are using the Photo grid, which I don't think ever displays any icons.
Thanks Jim for your reply.
Yes, although I was using the 'Square Grid', you are right, I had forgotten where the synced icon had been.
Anyhow, I have since been able to make the synced icon re-appear by moving the vertical delineation line separating the left hand menu from the 'Square Grid' images (the vertical line pointed to by the green arrow in the LR Desktop screenshot below).

Screenshot 2024-07-12 215003 - arrow.png
If the delineation line is set to the far left or far right, the synced icons disappear and the images also get slightly smaller.
It seems the icon appearance is dependent on image size.
Anyhow, at least they're back, so thanks for your help.
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