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New Member
Premium Classic Member
Premium Cloud Member
Jun 14, 2024
Lightroom Version Number
Operating System
  1. macOS 14 Sonoma
  2. iPadOS
I use LR Classic, my photos are on a hard drive called “Archive”, divided by year and date of shooting.
These folders are then synchronized in various folders, which I can also access from the iPad when I am traveling.
During the last vacation I loaded the photos from the SD card directly to the iPad, I worked on them and synchronized them with the LR ecosystem.
would like to transfer the photos with the changes made from the iPad to the folder on the hard disk “Archive”, maintaining the synchronization and then remove the originals from the cloud.
How should I do it?
In addition, in the folders from Lightroom of LR Classic I find many of the albums, most of which do not contain photographs (which are instead present in All Synced Photos because they come from the folders created by the albums of the Archive disk.
Some folders contain photographs present in the downloaded smart preview folder.
Should I keep them or can I delete them to have the Archive disk as a single source from which the various collections are created?
I purchased Victoria's books but since I don't speak English I have to have them translated by google translator...

Hi Filippo. I'm just clearing through unanswered threads and found your post. Do you still need help?
I finally used the Delete LR Library command and synced all my collections.
