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Library module LR Classic 13.4 is unusable, Adobe should be ashamed.

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Apr 20, 2012
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  1. Windows 11
So I’ve recently updated to LR Classic 13.4 and it's unusable. The time it takes to move to the next photo in the develop module is between 3 and 5 seconds. When your editing all day, every day, its a non-starter, as a professional this kills my workflow.

I’ve been using Lightroom since the very first beta and have a love hate relationship with it, but it is what it is.

I read some of the comments about the latest build and thought I’d give it a go. I’ve turned off writing to xmp as that’s a slow bug. I work local, no syncing to cloud. My System and Project drive are the fastest M2 SSD’s I can have in my system

The GPU is supported and a fast card, I’ve turned off “use gpu for export” as its slower than having it turned on. When its off my cpu hits 100% and exports very fast.

Each project I work on has its own Lightroom Cat, no the catalogues I work with are not huge, max 4000 raw files.

Most background processing are killed when I edit, including all the adobe junk that runs in the background.

I don’t see what eles I can do but revert back to 13.2.



Cameras, Canon R6 mk2, R6 mk1, R5 mk1, 5D mk3.

Operating System - Windows 11 Pro 64-bit

CPU - AMD Ryzen Threadripper 3960X

RAM - 112GB DDR4 (15-15-15-36)


Graphics - 4091MB NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4060 Ti (NVIDIA)


1TB Samsung SSD 990 PRO 1TB

500GB Samsung SSD 980 PRO 500GB

4TB Western Digital WDC WD4003FRYZ-01F0DB0 (SATA )

4TB Western Digital WDC WD4003FRYZ-01F0DB0 (SATA )

4TB Seagate ST4000NE001-2MA101 (SATA )

4TB Western Digital WDC WD4002FYYZ-01B7CB1 (SATA )

4TB Western Digital WDC WD4002FYYZ-01B7CB1 (SATA )

4TB Seagate ST4000NE001-2MA101
You might consider that the fault lies within your system, your hardware and perhaps your workflow. The vast majority of people are not having your experience with v13.4

I no longer use Windows and no longer consider myself up to date with Windows hardware. However I would suggest that you install LRC on another machine perhaps an off the shelf one that has a standard manufacturers components to see if you LrC experience is different.
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Consider posting on the Adobe Community Forums, see if your configuration can be assessed. While there have been some reports of slowness, they are mostly issues that have been resolved. The bulk of people aren't reporting issues.
Hmmm. I have had no problems with 13.4 on a less powered Dell. Until yesterday.

I was working on a large batch of Canon 90D raws, and using the AI Noise reduction quite a bit, and I had PS beta open for an occasional tough Remove. All of a sudden the estimated DeNoise time on a photo jumped from the usual 15 seconds to 8 min. It was almost as if I had a huge memory leak.
I shut everything down, did a restart, and on the same photo with only LRC open I was back to normal. The rest of the day was fine.

All I can suggest is that you go back and repeat some photos with your system properly set up, a clean startup, and with only LRC open, and see if the issues still exist.
If it behaves fine, I'd open some other apps that you have in your workflow one at a time until the problems return.

No major problems here, and I'm running a four year old Asus laptop with Windows 10 and less-than-ideal specs for 2024. The newer AI based tools (denoise in particular) are starting to put a strain on it, but that is to be expected. The processing times are tolerable for now and the only freezes I encounter are due to a finicky connection to my secondary monitor, not the Adobe apps.

As an aside, I was recently at a workshop where both instructors were running Macbook M3s and they zipped along so fast in processing demonstrations that I had some serious equipment envy. I have 2019 16" Macbook that I used in a previous job and got to keep when I left the company. It's too old to make the switch for LR/PS, but since I easily switch between Windows and Apple machines, I may finally make the jump to a new Macbook when I finally decide the Asus Windows machine needs to be replaced. Or I should say - when Adobe decides for me.
So I’ve recently updated to LR Classic 13.4 and it's unusable. The time it takes to move to the next photo in the develop module is between 3 and 5 seconds. When your editing all day, every day, its a non-starter, as a professional this kills my workflow.

I’ve been using Lightroom since the very first beta and have a love hate relationship with it, but it is what it is.

I read some of the comments about the latest build and thought I’d give it a go. I’ve turned off writing to xmp as that’s a slow bug. I work local, no syncing to cloud. My System and Project drive are the fastest M2 SSD’s I can have in my system

The GPU is supported and a fast card, I’ve turned off “use gpu for export” as its slower than having it turned on. When its off my cpu hits 100% and exports very fast.

Each project I work on has its own Lightroom Cat, no the catalogues I work with are not huge, max 4000 raw files.

Most background processing are killed when I edit, including all the adobe junk that runs in the background.

I don’t see what eles I can do but revert back to 13.2.



Cameras, Canon R6 mk2, R6 mk1, R5 mk1, 5D mk3.

Operating System - Windows 11 Pro 64-bit

CPU - AMD Ryzen Threadripper 3960X

RAM - 112GB DDR4 (15-15-15-36)


Graphics - 4091MB NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4060 Ti (NVIDIA)


1TB Samsung SSD 990 PRO 1TB

500GB Samsung SSD 980 PRO 500GB

4TB Western Digital WDC WD4003FRYZ-01F0DB0 (SATA )

4TB Western Digital WDC WD4003FRYZ-01F0DB0 (SATA )

4TB Seagate ST4000NE001-2MA101 (SATA )

4TB Western Digital WDC WD4002FYYZ-01B7CB1 (SATA )

4TB Western Digital WDC WD4002FYYZ-01B7CB1 (SATA )

4TB Seagate ST4000NE001-2MA101
My two penn'orth worth:
1. You may already have this. Your fastest M2 drive should be your boot drive + programs drive and should be the closest to the CPU.
2. Your RAM is 112GB. You have 8 slots, amazing. I don't know how you have made it up but some motherboards run faster if only two particular slots are used. Check to see if it's the case with your one. I have 2 X 16GB DDR5 4800MHz in slots 1 and 3 and it runs great at 4788MT/s. The other slots are empty. It looks like you have a mix of RAM card. Not a good idea. It will run no faster than the slowest card and slower still if the optimum slot arrangement is not used. Having more RAM will benefit you only if the application requires it. I don't think LrC can take advantage of so much RAM particularly if you have a good GPU.
3. You have six 4TB SATA drives. That takes a lot of Power. Is your power supply (PSU) up to it? You will get no warning only crashes and poor performance if not. You can find power supply calculators on the web. I suggest you check that out. I have two M2 drives and two legacy 1TB SATA drives and needed to jump from 650W up to 850W. Unless you are running a RAID array, do you need all your drives powered up?

Hope you find something useful here.
I too have found Lightroom 13.4 unusable, I've tried loads of troubleshooting and now have myriad catalogues having tried 13.3 and 13.4.

I've detailed my efforts in this thread https://www.lightroomqueen.com/community/threads/13-3-slow-down.50230/

The last update was better for a while but deteriorated to a snails paste, and was taking over an hour to import only about 200 files in place .

I have disconnected synch, reset prefs, swithched GPU on and Off but anything after 13.3 eventually slows to an unusable snails pace.
@duncand you are not the only one having this issue, I get this lag on my Mac M1 8gb ram, not as bad as you though but only noticed recently. I thought it was my new R5 files but just checked I get the same phenomena with my R6 files. Problem for me I just can’t increase RAM so if it’s a low ram problem I’d have to buy a new Mac with at least 32gb ram. I hoping Adobe can fix this so I dint have to buy another Mac.

Almost completely unusable for me as well , 2019 (Intel) Macbook Pro, 64Gb RAM, 8Gb AMD Radeon Pro graphics. This has been a sudden and very unwelcome change since upgrading from 13.3 to 13.4 and seems to be related to LrC synching wth the cloud. Reported on Adobe's community forum where a number of others are reporting the same issues. I find it hard to believe that this is a hardware issue given how drastically things have changed with a point release.
I find it hard to believe that this is a hardware issue given how drastically things have changed with a point release.
When Adobe upgraded from v13.2 to v13.3 the change was significant since the database structure was changed too. This is the equivalent of the upgrade from V12 to v13. V13.4 addressed specific bugs in v13.3 but not others Problems that some are experiencing with Syncing to the Adobe Cloud have not yet been addressed.

The OP on this thread is a Windows user and Windows always seem to be more difficult to debug than MacOS. Mostly I think because Apple maintains a more stable hardware environment. I think a lot of people experiencing Mac problems either were also automatically writing changes to XMP, have more than 50,000 synced images or Deleted or tried to rebuild all sync data even though Adobe expressly advised them not to try to rebuild without the recommendation from Adobe.
Just for the record, I'm running Windows 11/64 32GB on a two-year-old machine. LrC 13.4 is running faultlessly. However, I've dispensed with any syncing to the laptop and phone. The syncing is a cool concept and didn't cause a problem, but it's so complex, any benefit was just not worth the trouble for what I do.
Just up loaded 4 collections in to a set and ... Collection 1 became collection 3 collection 2 became 4 etc... Unreal. Had a crash earlier and lost my mouse operation when I went into masking for a split second and hung when detecting faces.. Agghhh. Totally unreliable for professional use.
Did you try to temporarly disable your Virus Scanner? If the Performance Improvisation, try to fine tune that. I saw systems wäre the Virus Scanner (or Worte, several Scanners working together/one against the other brought LrC to its knees.
Just up loaded 4 collections in to a set and ... Collection 1 became collection 3 collection 2 became 4 etc...
That's a known fault unfortunately. If you sync the collections one at a time the problem doesn't arise.

It's a bit tedious if you have hundreds of collections to sync, so I'm waiting for a fix.
Totally unreliable for professional use.
Our suggestion is to check our Release Blogs before upgrading. Our recommendation since the 13.3 Release was to hold off if relying on Sync (for example if it's a business-critical part of workflow) as the actual Sync engine was changed in LrC. I appreciate that's too late now, but for the benefit of other readers, we suggest always checking our Release Blog before updating. We keep it updated with any new bugs and updates.
The upgrade to v 13.4 failed. Tried all the usual fixes with no luck. Today I had an Adobe Tech have my pc for over an hour with no luck. He blamed it on connection speed and asked me to try another network.

I am on Cox 500mb mesh router/wifi so cannot go in and change a channel or network as I did with my Nighthawk router. He then asked me to switch to telephone network.

He then disconnected from my pc.

Even uninstalling Adobe Creative Cloud, restating pc & installing was no help. Initially 13.4 would stall at 95% installation then later at 88.

Meanwhile I installed all on my laptop and had no issued.
Not looking for an intermediate fix, just waiting for another update.
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