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Develop module Lost view settings on second monitor


Aug 9, 2015
Lightroom Experience
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Operating System
  1. Windows 10
Hi guys...I run two monitors when I "develop" images. I like to have the second monitor at 2x so I can get a better look at the faces and check for focus (I shoot theatre and facial expressions are a big deal). Lately, when I display on the second monitor, I've lost the view settings that are usualy on the bottom right corner of the screen. How do I get them back?
Check if the disclosure triangle has been clicked on the second monitor (this makes the bar disappear) - drop your mouse down to the bottom of the second screen and click the triangle to show it again (seen at the bottom center on this screenshot).

Screenshot 2024-09-30 at 08.38.36.png
Check if the disclosure triangle has been clicked on the second monitor (this makes the bar disappear) - drop your mouse down to the bottom of the second screen and click the triangle to show it again (seen at the bottom center on this screenshot).

Screenshot 2024-09-30 at 08.38.36.png