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Import Limits to Camera Matching Profiles?

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Active Member
May 20, 2008
Arlington, VA
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  1. macOS 14 Sonoma
(Part 1)
I have recently started using Ricoh GXIII and shoot a lot in B&W. The camera profile is "Hard B&W". On import, i apply a general all purpose Preset. The LR preset is not matching. I am trying to figure out why not. In overall settings i have "Camera Settings", I think that is correct.
1. Could something in my import Preset "block" the camera matching?
2. In LR Camera Profles, I see "Camera Hard Monochrome" but not "Camera Hard B&W" which is how its labeled on the camera.

(Part 2)
Now that they are imported and have the "wrong" Camera Profile, is there any way to select by camera profile? At this point they are all showing the embedded profile, so i might just temporarily tag them based on visual selection, but curious if I am missing something.
Could something in my import Preset "block" the camera matching?
If you saved the preset with the option Treatment & Profile selected, then it is applying whatever profile is stored in the preset, overwriting the raw default of Camera Settings you set in Preferences > Presets.
You can use the Any Filter plugin to find photos with a particular profile:

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