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Lightroom Voyager Support

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New Member
Feb 4, 2020
San Antonio
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  1. Windows 10
Does anyone have enough knowledge to support the Lightroom Voyager plugin or does anyone have direct contact with Vlad who wrote Lightroom Voyager to see what's going on? I've reached out via the plugin and directly on the lrvoyager website, weeks ago, but have not received any response.

I did figure out that I need to at least log in to SmugMug, which is the publishing service I'm trying to migrate. Once I did that it seemed to figure out and sync all my settings, but none of the photos are showing up in the collections.

My message to Vlad has been:

Vlad, I have tried to follow your instructions found here:
1) I followed steps 1-7 and created a new "Intermediate Export Smugmug" catalog with full photo migration to a new hard drive (part of step 8) This took a while (75k files) but was completed in about a day
2) Between steps 8 and 8 [sic] it's not clear what exactly I'm supposed to do when not going to a new computer, so I created a new empty catalog on the new hard drive and called it "Main Smugmug". I'm not sure why I would be transferring the files twice, since I already chose a transfer in steps 7-8. The files are in the destination I want them to be in.
3) With the "Main Smugmug" catalog open, I chose Import from Catalog and selected "Intermediate Export Smugmug" WITHOUT copying the negatives again (some of the names in your steps don't exactly line up, I'm assuming because of newer versions of lightroom...it immediately starts Preparing to Import
4) When I get to step 11, Voyager stops lightroom but never restarts it.
5) I've waited hours and come back and started lightroom and Voyager starts "preparing to collect" and then tells me Nothing to Export.
6) There's also a request for a *.lrv file when trying the plugin command "Import Published Collections Only" but I don't see where that file is being created.

Is there some debugging information I can turn on and/or provide to figure out what's going on? Is there a process I can watch to see when it finishes?

I'm running Lightroom Classic 10.3 with Camera Raw 13.3
I'm running Voyager v1.7.0

I've submitted a debug log with the above
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