Lightroom presets...

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Active Member
Nov 13, 2007
Part I: Anyone have suggested sources for downloadable Presets?

Part II: What kind of Presets to you use or have you made? I'm looking for ideas for making presets...I have a few I downloaded, but I'd like to continue enhancing my Develop module.
Inside lightroom . com looks interesting, great another site with more stuff then I have time to read;)
There's some more well known ones at I can't vouch for them though - I downloaded them AGES ago, and still haven't installed them!

Funny... I've had the same link open in a FF tab now for two weeks. I downloaded the same zip file and haven't installed either. Go ahead Victoria be the Guinea Pig and let us know. :mrgreen:

Found this link in my Google Notebook. Haven't tried any of them yet though.
I installed the One Click WOW! presets when they first became available and used them quite a bit. They are a nice, quick way to process images that need little processing or to reach a starting point from which to tweak other images. The videos on the One Click WOW! presets page give a pretty good idea of what using them is like.
I installed the One Click WOW! presets when they first became available and used them quite a bit. They are a nice, quick way to process images that need little processing or to reach a starting point from which to tweak other images. The videos on the One Click WOW! presets page give a pretty good idea of what using them is like.

I use them as well. There are some great ones, in my opinion, and some not-so-great ones. Some of them blow out an image so far I wonder why the preset was made in the first place. I know you can adjust them, but even so I'm not sure why the starting point is where it is.
Lightroom Presets has public beta presets and only a small selection. It hasn't been updated in ages.
You will find they were all on Inside Lightroom in the first place and have been updated for v 1.x (as there were new features added in that release).

There are quite a few places that offer presets for sale, but I am of the opinion that Presets ought to be free and shared with the whole community.

If you look at the Lightroom Flickr group there are some available on the basis that you have to show examples of what you did with them, which is a bit fairer!

Adobe Lightroom Killer Tips has offered a few on a Monday as well.

Richard Earney

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