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Lightroom mobile quick start

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Kathy Eyster

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Feb 13, 2016
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  1. Windows 10
  2. macOS 12 Monterey
  3. iOS
  4. Android
Hi Victoria,

Have you considered updating the posts about a LR mobile workflow with Classic and turning them into a quick start guide? I would definitely be interested in such an e-book.
Which posts did you have in mind Kathy? Was it the original Lightroom mobile series?

There is a Classic & Mobile Travel Workflow eBook in your free downloads which might already be the sort of thing you're looking for, we should probably advertise it more widely! Lightroom Classic & Mobile – Travel Workflow
The posts I found were all dated 2017 so I'm assuming that is the original series. It's difficult to read all the posts because they don't appear linked with each other.
I do have the Travel Workflow, but I'm interested in a workflow that's "home based" for people to more easily integrate their smartphone images with LrC.
I do have the Travel Workflow, but I'm interested in a workflow that's "home based" for people to more easily integrate their smartphone images with LrC.

Have you looked at the "Cloud Sync" chapter in your copy of the Classic Missing FAQ book? That should cover most of your "mobile to LrC" workflow questions.
Ah yes, I remember that old series. Interesting, we've been talking about updating it, but in the meantime, I've just added links to the index post. What sort of things would you like to see covered?

As Jim says, the Classic side of things is well covered in the Cloud Sync chapter but once you've had a read, I'm interested in any questions you still have.
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