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Import Lightroom importing JPG files alongside RAWs

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New Member
Nov 28, 2023
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  1. Windows 10
In Preferences, I don't have "Treat JPEG files next to raw files as separate photos" selected, yet Lightroom shows me raws and jpegs in the library. This started happening recently and I have no idea why. In the camera, I have selected Fine+RAW, the files have the same number, and only the file extension is different. Any ideas?
I suppose you could have imported pairs of images before deselecting "treat jpegs next to raws as separate." That toggle only works when you import photos. Deselecting it doesn't magically make the jpegs disappear from your catalogue. If that's not the case and you truly don't have it selected, then Johan's suggestion is your best bet.
Hal has got a point. The option in the preferences is just for new imports, so if you think that toggling this setting will make existing JPEGs disappear from sight, then you simply expect the wrong thing. However, if Lightroom is importing jpegs separately despite the preference setting, then it is doing something that does not comply with what you have set. That makes resetting the preferences the most logical step. Resetting the preferences is hardly 'resetting everything'. It's not a big deal. Just make a note of your settings before you do so.
in your camera, check to see if you are having the JPG's saved to a different memory card or different folder on the memory cards than the RAW files. I believe that the LrC option to treat them as a single image only works if they are in the same folder.
in your camera, check to see if you are having the JPG's saved to a different memory card or different folder on the memory cards than the RAW files. I believe that the LrC option to treat them as a single image only works if they are in the same folder.
The files are in the same folder.
Note the path in the blog, take a copy, then reset. If no different, then put the copy back (have LrC shut at the time of course)
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