Lightroom for Android Phone?

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Senior Member
Sep 6, 2008
Rochester, NY
Actually, I know that you can't run Lightroom on an Android phone, that was just an attention getter.

Is there a simple photo editing app for an Android phone, where I can change exposure and contrast and maybe color balance on photos taken by the phone before uploading?

My first reaction was: No way, Brad, you must be kidding me!

I guess its real. And free. And I downloaded it. And it works. I love this! Thanks!
Wow, I didnt know photoshop works on Android. That is cool indeed. So far I was using PicSay. Actually, there are about 8 applications or so that one can choose from, including photoshop. Cos I just found this list:
8 Best Android Apps for Photo Editing
Very informative!

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The photoshop android app is pretty amazing, considering it's running on such a tiny device. Thanks! I can't imagine how my phone survived without it.
i recently bought an ultra-cheap iPad knock-off (it's Chinese) called aPad. and it runs on android. and yeah, the photoshop app runs great even on such a cheap device..
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