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CC App Lightroom Classic ver 14.1.1 not starting with error


New Member
Jan 20, 2025
Lightroom Version Number
Operating System
  1. Windows 11
Hello all - I searched for a possible discussion and didn't find an answer. This forum has always been helpful - i was a lurker previously.

My lovely wife is the photographer/artist and I am her tech support. I was working on her machine to resolve storage space and a failing disk. All was replaced and the back up for the failing disk was restored. This was a month ago and all was working. I had to make several changes and needed to clean up that stuff from the install. My clean up was bit aggressive and several issues arose through out the computer. All has been resolved except Lightroom and Lightroom Classic - neither will start. I have sent the report to adobe in the 'sorry, an error occurred' dialogue several times. The error report is attached. All other Adobe Creative Cloud solutions installed now work on the desktop.

For Lightroom classic what I have done trying to resolve - Start from the Cat file, Start using Shift+Alt to return to default preferences, uninstall removing preferences and presets then reinstall, and various file removals to allow lightroom to rebuild (this worked well for a couple of other adobe products). Lightroom Classic says it installed without error. Ehen I try to start it crashes with the same error report. Anyone out there that may have a clue? I did discover that each adobe product has variations of common code and that no two seem to be alike :) . The crash exception start line is:

<crash exception="EXCEPTION_UNKNOWN" exceptionCode="0xe06d7363" instruction="0x00007FFC933EFB4C">

Thanks in advance for looking at this. My wife and I have both benefited from this forum in the past and it would be great if some one could guide me here. All lightroom catalogues and pictures/projects/etc. remain uncorrupted and full back ups exist.



  • Adobe error report.txt
    17.9 KB · Views: 29
Hard to be sure if there was an easy answer, but the final step was removing the CameraRaw folder in the specific user APPData\roaming\adobe\CameraRaw. Then restart Lightroom Classic.

Adobe never responded so I dove further into the error report which was simply a Windows error that. in base terms, said that a specified call could not happen because of either missing or corrupted destination. I had lightroom working on my desktop so I logged the start up and saw a few requests that happened after my failure on the other machine so I was determined to to trace them one at a time. The first was CameraRaw - so very lucky. The folder rebuilds if it doesn't exist. Lightroom got slightly confused at first start and had to start...
Update - one last piece of information before I move to a clean install of Windows 11 Pro.

I was able to install a second microsoft user profile on the Windows 11 Pro and when I open lightroom classic with that user profile it opens with a request to log into adobe - this is what I had hoped for after my original reinstall attempt. I did not go any further since I would still prefer to get this to start for the primary user of the PC. That said though, i believe it is a clue but cannot figure out what it is telling me. The primary user still gets the same error.

One last shot before the nuclear approach if anyone has a thought.

Hard to be sure if there was an easy answer, but the final step was removing the CameraRaw folder in the specific user APPData\roaming\adobe\CameraRaw. Then restart Lightroom Classic.

Adobe never responded so I dove further into the error report which was simply a Windows error that. in base terms, said that a specified call could not happen because of either missing or corrupted destination. I had lightroom working on my desktop so I logged the start up and saw a few requests that happened after my failure on the other machine so I was determined to to trace them one at a time. The first was CameraRaw - so very lucky. The folder rebuilds if it doesn't exist. Lightroom got slightly confused at first start and had to start via a double click in Explorer on the Catalog but a reboot and all has worked right since. FYI - Photoshop probably had a similar issue but instead of an error created a new CameraRaw in APPData\Local. Why not....

So - it is interesting to find where Lightroom burrows into your OS to make sure the experience is specific to the user. That said I can also see how a simple error can result in a clean install of Windows to be sure a call goes to a newly built location. I think that should be unnecessary (really time consuming with errors possible) but I am also not in the software building for profit business... Here is what worked for me but know that the reinstall of Lightroom may have been extraneous to the problem. To begin - keeping your catalog and picture files on a separate drive (at least a separate partition) allows for easy full back ups of data as well as no need to remove files for a new install:

  • Remove all occurrences of Lightroom in %user%\Appdata\Local\adobe and %user%\Appdata\roaming\adobe
  • Remove %user%\Appdata\roaming\CameraRaw
  • Uninstall Lightroom Classic
  • Install Lightroom
  • Open the primary catalog on your separate drive
  • Get through the 'new' install screens
  • Go back to normal and again worry about camera settings instead of getting your primary editing platform to start....

Thanks for all that looked in.