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Lightroom Classic Shows 36 Photos Syncing; Preferences Shows Nothing to Sync

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Premium Classic Member
Aug 6, 2015
Lenexa, KS
Lightroom Experience
Lightroom Version
Lightroom Version Number
Lightroom Classic 8.2.1
Operating System
  1. macOS 10.14 Mojave
Lightroom Classic on my MacBook is suddenly perpetually showing that I have 36 images to sync. It doesn’t move off that number. When I go into LR preferences and check for mobile sync activity - it shows nothing to sync. Has anyone else had this problem? Any suggestions for how to fix? I just migrated to a new iPad; I don’t know if that’s part of the issue or not. LR Mobile on the iPad looks fine; all the right photos are synced. I have tried signing out of Adobe on both my MacBook and my iPad, then signing back in - no fix there.
I have a similar issue with 15 images, BUT they are in the preferences window. Whatever the issue is, it never seems to get resolved. But on the other hand it doesn't seem to cause any problems, so I just ignore it.

I committed the cardinal sin of syncing more than one catalog and I suspect that may be the origin of my issue.
I have a similar issue with 15 images, BUT they are in the preferences window. Whatever the issue is, it never seems to get resolved. But on the other hand it doesn't seem to cause any problems, so I just ignore it.

I committed the cardinal sin of syncing more than one catalog and I suspect that may be the origin of my issue.
Thanks! I finally contacted Adobe and it took a while to get this resolved. We ended up having to delete all my synced photos and I’ll have to go back and resync the collections I need, but at least the problem seems to be resolved. I only have one catalog so that wasn’t my issue. I think it might have had something to do with the fact that I deleted all the photos that were in “all synced photos” but not in any mobile album. They were all photos that had been pulled in from Apple Photos (not something I wanted to happen but it seems to happen automatically) or that I deleted from a synced collection. It seems to me if a photo isn’t in a synced collection it should also be deleted from the “all photos” group but that doesn’t seem to be how it works.
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