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Lightroom CC 2015.10 has an error.

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New Member
Premium Cloud Member
May 19, 2017
The Netherlands
Lightroom Experience
Lightroom Version
Hi, When i am looking at the log file in Windows 10 i find an application error concerning Lightroom.exe.
Sometimes LR stopt working and will be closed.

Is there somebody who can help me.

I apologize for the bad English

Hi, When i am looking at the log file in Windows 10 i find an application error concerning Lightroom.exe.
Sometimes LR stops working and will be closed.

Is there somebody who can help me.

I apologize for the bad English

View attachment 9360

Is this the GPU fault? Try switching off gpu acceleration.

Translation (Google translate):
Application name with error:
Time stamp:
Module name with error:
Exception code:
Error margin:
Thanks Roelof,
LR put it on, on default. I have updated the driver.
But I will try en deselect the use off the GPU.
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