Do you think that Adobe will give serious arrention to revamping its handling of keywords anytime soon?
They have introduced a count of keywords in a tooltip hover over the keyword entry panel. It tells you how many keywords you have entered. Better than nothing, I suppose, but not by much.
Put in a keyword in a hierarchy, and it reports only the one keyword, not the number of parent keywords in the hierarchy which will export. Nor does it tell you how many synonyms will be exported. And, bizarrely, even a keyword marked not to export is counted in the total.
It would be much more useful if the tooltip count worked with the “will export” window, but it does not.
It looks as if someone was told to do something, anything, to add to a new feature to the keywording module, so that Adobe could claim it has received attention, but if this is the case, whoever implemented a tooltip count in what is often an irrelevant box for this purpose clearly gave the subject very little thought at all: someone in Adobe’s chocolate teapot production department, maybe?
There is so much that needs to be done to the keywording function to make it more useful. Examples include synonym search, export word and character count, ability to edit per image which synonyms and parent keywords will be exported, larger or stretchy “will export” window, spell check, whole word or multiple word search rather than only on the fly, etc. etc.
Will any of this ever happen, or has the keywording function simply be left to stagnate for the foreseeable future? What programmes do others use which actually achieve these kind of features?
They have introduced a count of keywords in a tooltip hover over the keyword entry panel. It tells you how many keywords you have entered. Better than nothing, I suppose, but not by much.
Put in a keyword in a hierarchy, and it reports only the one keyword, not the number of parent keywords in the hierarchy which will export. Nor does it tell you how many synonyms will be exported. And, bizarrely, even a keyword marked not to export is counted in the total.
It would be much more useful if the tooltip count worked with the “will export” window, but it does not.
It looks as if someone was told to do something, anything, to add to a new feature to the keywording module, so that Adobe could claim it has received attention, but if this is the case, whoever implemented a tooltip count in what is often an irrelevant box for this purpose clearly gave the subject very little thought at all: someone in Adobe’s chocolate teapot production department, maybe?
There is so much that needs to be done to the keywording function to make it more useful. Examples include synonym search, export word and character count, ability to edit per image which synonyms and parent keywords will be exported, larger or stretchy “will export” window, spell check, whole word or multiple word search rather than only on the fly, etc. etc.
Will any of this ever happen, or has the keywording function simply be left to stagnate for the foreseeable future? What programmes do others use which actually achieve these kind of features?