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Library module Key-wording multiple similar pictures, I've not started right!

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New Member
Mar 15, 2024
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  1. Windows 10
I've just moved over from using a Bridge>ARC>Photoshop workflow so I'm really feeling my way around in LrC.
I'm practicing putting key words into a series of about 20 very similar pictures. I started with the first picture and successfully put some key words in. Next I thought that I would do a little practice to see if I could put key words into a few pictures at the same time. So I simply highlighted a row of pictures and put some keywords in and surprise surprise it worked!
However, new key words came to mind and I added these in this second attempt. Next, I thought, that's a good group of key words for these pictures, I'm going to apply them to all 20. I highlighted the lot and typed my revised list in and I then noticed that some asterixes had appeared next to some of my key words and I couldn't tell what the asterixes were indicating or how I could apply my my new list to all pictures.

What do the asterixes mean and how can I apply my new list to all 20 pictures and how can I avoid messing up again?
The asterisks indicate that some of the selected images have that keyword. So... removing the asterisk will apply that keyword to all the selected images.
Keyword Sets each contain nine keywords. There are default Sets (eg. Landscape, Wedding, etc).
You can also design and save your own Sets (eg. Your Family Names)
To apply a keyword from a set- simply click the mouse on one of the KWs shown in the set.
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Also if you hold down the [ALT] key you will see numbers appear next to the KWs representing the 9 numbers on the keyboard, and in the same layout as a keyboard with a numeric key panel- Simply press a numeric key to apply its associated KW.
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Thanks Rob, that's great. So if I create a number of Keyword Sets, how are they listed and how do I access them?

All help very appreciated.
Via the dropdown boxes at the top of each of Rob's screenshots.
Also consider setting up some Metadata presets from the Presets box at the top of the the Metadata panel. Here for example is one I apply whenever I have pictures from a vintage car group, so in one click all these generic keywords are applied, and I can then put my time into adding keywords which are more specific to individual photos - eg the car make or model.

The tricks to keywording are using various keywording tools in combination, and not imagining it's such a big job that you do nothing. Sometimes I'll only have time/energy to whack on a few generic keywords to all the day's pictures. I may or may not go back and add some more specific ones later, and on many occasions I'll spot an older photo and spend a moment adding some other keywords or tweaking those I added before. If you've many thousands unkeyworded, just keyword today's pics of XYZ, go back sometimes and add the same keywords to the photos you shot there a few years ago, and suddenly you can retrieve all the shots of XYZ in a click. A little often soon adds up.

Thanks to all for the additional replies.

Sorry but I'm being very dense about Keyword Sets. I thought that I would have a go at creating a "family" keyword set. I think what I did was to open the keyword drop down and saw one of the presets. I typed the new name "family" and then changed the existing names in the set to our family names. I then tried to create another one for "our cars" but this seemed to change my previous keyword set.

I was expecting to find an option to "create new keyword set" but couldn't find this.

Can anyone walk me through it, please?
The menu options are all in the Dropdown box menus.
Create a new set from the [Edit Set...]
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Then when you have entered you nine keywords- The Preset dropdown box gives you the option to [Save Current Settings as New Preset] where you are given the option to name it.
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2024-06-20 08_26_32-Edit Keyword Set.jpg

These "Save" and "Update" menus are available in many of Lr-Classic functions, especially Presets.
Thanks for your reply Jan. It's certainly not intuitive! It's only been with the help of people on this forum that I have been able to do it.
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