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Jeffrey Friedl's Plugins

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Nov 2, 2015
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Does anyone know what happened to Jeffrey Fried site?
I can't update my plugins and it's saying :

Not Found​

The requested URL was not found on this server.
I noticed the same change in behavior with Chrome a few days ago. Clicking on Google search results to Friedl's web site or my own bookmarks would result in Not Found pages. My quick workaround was to use Edge, Firefox, or Safari.

Ten minutes ago, after reading Cletus's reply, I still got the same issues with Google search results, and though the URL Cletus posted, http://regex.info/blog/lightroom-goodies, took me to the correct page in Chrome, clicking on any link still resulted in Not Found.

But now, it's all working properly. I suspect there was a spat involving Google search results and/or Chrome and Friedl's web site. The spat has apparently resolved, but my browser or ISP or Friedl's web server was caching some old invalid results somewhere that are now dribbling away.

Friedl has always had an uncommon structure for HTTP and HTTPS URLs on his site:


See this thread for an older flare-up:

Friedl's position may be strictly standards-conforming, and I suspect he's sticking to his guns out of the stubborn, principled orneriness that was much more common in the early days of the Internet when there was a shift of culture from a loose confederation of long-haired independent techies to dominance by big corporate interests. (I'm in a glass house.)
I'm also having issues reaching his website. I tried both Chrome and Edge browsers (I no longer use Firefox).
Does anyone have any updated information about the status of his website? I had heard he was retiring... hopefully he'll continue to make his plug-ins available (?)
Here is a solution that I found. Don't know for how long it will work.
It came from: https://superuser.com/questions/140...ecting-to-https-for-http-site/1813888#1813888
by Codesmith.

All the steps combined, give this :

  1. In chrome://net-internals/#hsts, in the "Delete domain security policies", enter the domain of the page, and click "Delete".
  2. Push CTRL+H, and delete all history/cache/cookies.
  3. On the page causing the problem, click on the HTTPS icon on the top left of the URL bar, and choose "Settings for this website" (I'm French, I don't know the exact label in English versions).
  4. Scroll and find "Secured content", and choose "Allow".
  5. Go back to your page, and remove the "s" of the https:// in the URL (it has been added again automatically since the last time it failed).
  6. Press enter to apply the URL. It should work :)
  7. If not, relaunch the browser.
Has anyone who is in contact with Jeffrey asked about his plans for his plugin's if he retires?

I would think that some other plugin developer would be interested in purchasing the source code and ownership rights of his plugin's as I suspect the they are still generating a steady stream of income. It would be tragic (and I'd say unprofessional) to just let them die as they are so valuable and so many people rely on them on a daily basis.
Clicking on the links to "Plugin's home page" and "Jeffrey's Blog" inside the LR Plug-in Manager doesn't work either.
I bet this is some temporary technical issue that will be fixed soon or later.

We had mail contact 4 weeks ago, so I can confirm he is still alive ;)

I don't know Jeffrey in person and have no clues about his plans, but I simply cannot believe that he won't find some way to keep his great legacy alive in case he decides not to continue himself.

Long live LrC and its plugin technology! :)
Google has been moving toward the direction of only supporting https in the browser for a couple years.
From a security perspective, Jeffrey is making the assumption that the super majority of websites and technical staff can correctly manage two separate document structures. What security audit and cyber incidents have show is that this is fundamentally flawed; and very few sites correctly implement the separate document structures. As a result, often what is supposed to be secured bleeds over into the unsecure area.
The brute force solution pushed by PCI-DSS (a credit card security standard) and a multitude of other security groups and standard organizations is to prevent/block any HTTP unsecure links.

Has anyone who is in contact with Jeffrey asked about his plans for his plugin's if he retires?
As far as I can tell, there are no public statements other than a short mention at the end of a blog post.
would think that some other plugin developer would be interested in purchasing the source code and ownership rights of his plugin's as I suspect the they are still generating a steady stream of income. It would be tragic (and I'd say unprofessional) to just let them die as they are so valuable and so many people rely on them on a daily basis.
Yes, yes, and yes. Yes again.

When Rob Cole passed away, as far as I can discern, the source code for his plugins has been lost. Too bad. The plugins that I have been able to locate look interesting, but I would be concerned about using his his plugins in general and his custom metadata plugin in particular, in case one of them stopped working when Adobe updates Lightrom. (the SDK?)

IF I may be so bold as to make this suggestion, all plugin authors should have a will or other document that provides for continued source code access and a provision for licensing or selling the rights to commercial usage. I would not favor posting code to Github because of the risk of someone embedding malware or just releasing bad code. Just my two cents/centimes/pence/pfennig/centavos/kopeks.
Today, on my Mac, Chrome has gone back to saying "Not Found" even when I paste an HTTP URL to Friedl's site, e.g.

But when I copy the not-found URL, change https: to http:, and paste it into Edge, Safari, or Firefox, it works. Using another browser, even one you prefer not to use, is likely the most expedient workaround.
As far that I know Jeffrey Friedl is doing well and not thinking in retirement, unless Adobe kills LRC making all of it's plugin work useless, I think.
About the problem with his site...
That what I got from him:
"My site was laid out 25 years ago, before the https protocol was common. I use https where security is needed, but there's no security need for someone just looking at my blog or downloading plugins. It would be a lot of work to change the layout, for no real benefit."
Also, the problem is not because of his site but because today's browser are unilaterally changing the leading "http://" to "https://".
As far that I know Jeffrey Friedl is doing well and not thinking in retirement, unless Adobe kills LRC making all of it's plugin work useless, I think.
About the problem with his site...
That what I got from him:
"My site was laid out 25 years ago, before the https protocol was common. I use https where security is needed, but there's no security need for someone just looking at my blog or downloading plugins. It would be a lot of work to change the layout, for no real benefit."
Also, the problem is not because of his site but because today's browser are unilaterally changing the leading "http://" to "https://".

As I pointed out above, this is because of so many security lapses of secure content bleeding over to unsecure side. Google, Firefox, and Microsoft, all the major browser engines have been moving in this direction.

For those who want to view Friedl's site in Chrome by adjusting the global settings:
  1. Open Settings (three vertical dots to the right of the address bar drops down the menu).
  2. Select Privacy and Security
  3. Select "Security" in the main panel
  4. Under the "Advanced" section, look for "always use secure connections" and disable it.
The site specific exception directions were posted above.

I installed Firefox, skipping all the options during the install. It worked and I managed to pay my donation and get the PayPal transaction id. I went back to LrC and entered that ID into Jeffrey's PlugIn Manager. Now w're back working again.
This would all have been prompted by Adobe bumping the LrC version up from 12 to 13 recently.
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