Info display on 2nd monitor

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Active Member
Apr 3, 2008
Lightroom Experience
I can not seem to get a handle on how to get the image information to display or not display on the second monitor, where I typically have either the loupe or compare view open while working in Library or Develop mode.

Sometimes the information is not present at all, which mostly is what I would prefer, but usually it's there, often obscuring part of the image.

Is there any way to tell LR I want to see this when in loupe in Library, and not when I'm in develop on the main screen?

Is there a way to tell LR I never want to see it on the second monitor in loupe mode. Or even better, to have it show up only when I mouse to that corner?

Peculiar behavior of loupe info display: when I use the windows snipping tool, the second monitor display usually disappears, even though the control on the main screen shows it still active. I have to click twice on the #2 display to get it back.
If you press the I key, it'll show the info overlay. It shows the same in every view (Loupe, Develop, second window) but you can press the I key to toggle.

The second monitor's a bit of a conundrum - unlike normal windows, it disappears whenever LR isn't the active program. Switching back to LR brings it back.
If you press the I key, it'll show the info overlay. It shows the same in every view (Loupe, Develop, second window) but you can press the I key to toggle.

The second monitor's a bit of a conundrum - unlike normal windows, it disappears whenever LR isn't the active program. Switching back to LR brings it back.

Thanks, I like having the I key toggling between none, info 1 and info2, great!

However, whether or not it shows up on the second monitor in loupe mode seems to be randomized somewhere. Just now, it's not. But earlier today it was, and I'm sure later tonight it will again. The info does always show up on the compare (if the I key in the right state).
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