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Import Import question...

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Aug 1, 2008
Northborough, MA
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Watching the Virtual Summit. As always, I select a few and say to most I don't need to watch that. And then I peek in and learn somethiong I never suspected! So that prompted this question!

In a workflow video it was recommened to import using embedded and sidecar and smart previews. I have never done that! I use 1:1 as I want to be as accurate editing as possible and have never used smart previews. Did not see a need.

1. What do\i you recommened for those import settings?
2. Can I try this on a fresh import without the new settings changing anything I have done in the past or future, but JUST for this folder to test?

Thanks. Will review the book :) If I ever finish the Virtual Summit.

Just a tag on question that just appeared while playing: never saw this arrow before. What does it indicate?


And thanks again Victoria. Got so much to play with yet again :) Good thing I'm retired or where would the time come from.
See the little line down the right hand side? That's the end of a stack. The little arrow means the stack continues on the previous line of the grid.
I use 1:1 as I want to be as accurate editing as possible
LrC will automatically build whatever size preveiw is needed for whatever size window in LrC the image is being displayed in on the fly. This includes 1:1 previews when viewed in the Develop module or zoomed to 100%. This is regardless of the type or size previews you pre-build. So, your statement does not really hold water it just puts the time required to build the1:1 preview up front rather than when needed, and also consumes more disk space for 1:1 previews on images that will never be taken to the develop module or zoomed to 100%
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