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Import apple photos to Lightroom on ipad

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Dec 10, 2021
Kendal, Cumbria UK
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  1. iOS
I know I can do this on my desktop but I’m away from base for quite a while and want to automatically get iPhone photos from apple photos into Lightroom.
In Lightroom mobile, tap on the three dots in the upper right corner, choose ‘App settings’ then ‘Import’ and enable ‘Auto Add’.
Note that the auto-add option only works for all new captures taken after the option is enabled. For existing images in Apple Photos you can either do a manual import using the Add Photos floating blue icon, OR use the "Device" option bottom left of the LrM screen. This "Device" option lets you view all the images in the Apple Photos camera roll and selectively edit them (which would automatically import them to the Adobe cloud).
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