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Images with huge filenames - where do they come from?

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New Member
Oct 27, 2023
Lightroom Version Number
Operating System
  1. macOS 14 Sonoma
I have ended up with images in my catalog with huge filenames. I assume they are images that have synced from my LR Desktop or one of the other online applications. Here is an example: 17632279_10107694503724751_6250391958677724408_o.jpg
As you are using Ligtroom with Lightroom Classic, those file names may be images taken with your phone or tablet camera. check your metadata panel to see what camera they came from.
Phone/Tablet camera images tend to have the standard 8 character filenames plus the extension (certainly iPhone and iPad images do). The filename example in the original post is more likely to be from images that originated from social media, e.g. WhatsApp, which are automatically synced via Lightroom Mobile if the "Auto Add from Device" option is enabled in LrM.
I posted a partial answer over in the Adobe forums where I said the filename looks a lot like the filenames of images downloaded from Meta services (Facebook, Instagram). Since I posted that, I also decided to do a search on my Mac for files with "_o.jpg" and yes, most but not all of them seemed to be downloaded from those Meta services.

One way you might find out where they came from:
  1. Locate the image on the macOS Finder desktop (if in Lightroom Classic, select it in Library and choose Photo > Show in Finder).
  2. With the photo selected in the Finder, choose File > Get Info.
If the file was downloaded using a web browser, the Get Info window may contain a "Where From" field containing the URL of the image; look at the domain name in that URL to work out which website it came from.
I get filenames like the example from photos downloaded from my son's iCloud account, which is shared with me.
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