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Library module Images/previews disappearing and being replaced by older files


New Member
Feb 4, 2025
Lightroom Version Number
Operating System
  1. macOS 15 Sequoia
I've encountered an issue that has happened on multiple occasions described below:
  • Images are sorted by Capture time.
  • In set of recent images, one or more of the images is suddenly replaced by a much older image in my library.
  • Sometimes it changes briefly as it's scrolled over or selected then eventually it is permanently that much older image. (This is also noticeable when using the mobile app)
  • I have a suspicion that it relates to duplicate file name conflict (which I thought LRC handled by default).
  • However when I search my OS/external drives/etc (Finder app) by filename, I only find the older image, as if the more recent one has been replaced/overwritten by the older image.
Fpr one of those images, go into the Develop module and take a look at the history panel on the left. Is your edit history still there?
Fpr one of those images, go into the Develop module and take a look at the history panel on the left. Is your edit history still there?

Also Make sure that you have opened the most recent version of your catalog.

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