Image gets smaller?

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Sep 25, 2022
Lightroom Experience
Lightroom Version
Operating System
  1. macOS 12 Monterey
I need a little help. I just switched to a Canon R5 from a Canon 5Dsr. I am using a Canon 16-35 EF L f4 lens on both bodies.

When I go into Lightroom Classic to cull images from card after shooting on the R5, the images are smaller. When I click on an image to view focus I expect it to go to 1:1 and zoom in but instead it zooms out. I also notice that the magnifying glass has a minus symbol and not a plus. Is there any way to reverse this? I want 1:1 to zoom in not out.

This does not happen with the 5Dsr images. I actually used the same card in both cameras with taking the same exact image and loaded them into Lightroom classic and the 5Dsr image starts normal and goes to 100% and the image looks great but the exact R5 image gets smaller when I click on it and looks quite bad.

The magnifying glass on the 5Dsr image has a plus symbol in it, but the R5 image has a minus symbol in it.

I have not changed one setting, only started to import images from the R5 now. Not sure if I'm supposed to go into Lightroom classic and change meta-data or settings because I am now using the R5?

Thank you,
Check your camera settings! This sounds like you have your new camera set to some small raw or jpeg version.
Check your camera settings! This sounds like you have your new camera set to some small raw or jpeg version.
R5 is set to record images in RAW to both my SD card & CF Express B card. Now I am just having to import all the images and then cull after that. It’s not a huge deal. I just don’t understand why on my other camera body that I can cull all the images before I do the import and they show up just fine before I hit the import button.

Just strange now with the R5 that the images show up in Lightroom and the magnifying glass has a minus symbol in it, and when I click the laptop pad on my Mac, the image goes smaller. With my 5Dsr, the image shows up and the magnifying glass has a plus symbol in it, and when I click the pad on the laptop, the image blows up to 100%.
Just strange now with the R5 that the images show up in Lightroom and the magnifying glass has a minus symbol in it, and when I click the laptop pad on my Mac, the image goes smaller. With my 5Dsr, the image shows up and the magnifying glass has a plus symbol in it, and when I click the pad on the laptop, the image blows up to 100%.
It probably means that there's a smaller preview (embedded by the camera) that LrC is reading when it presents the thumbnails to you in the import screen. I see the same with my R5 and R7 cameras. However, there's obviously a full resolution preview also embedded as that's what is fetched during the subsequent copy from card if using the "Embedded & Sidecar" import preview option (which is what I use).

The fact that a smaller preview is being used to display the thumbnails on the import screen is a good reason not to try culling at that stage, getting them into the Library module first (so then being able to use the full range of Library tools) is the original design intent.
It probably means that there's a smaller preview (embedded by the camera) that LrC is reading when it presents the thumbnails to you in the import screen. I see the same with my R5 and R7 cameras. However, there's obviously a full resolution preview also embedded as that's what is fetched during the subsequent copy from card if using the "Embedded & Sidecar" import preview option (which is what I use).

The fact that a smaller preview is being used to display the thumbnails on the import screen is a good reason not to try culling at that stage, getting them into the Library module first (so then being able to use the full range of Library tools) is the original design intent.
That’s what I will start doing. When I just did it this way, it worked just fine.

Thanks for the info.
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