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Import Image appears in Mac Finder, not in LR Import Window

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New Member
Jul 31, 2020
Lightroom Version Number
LR Classic 9.3
Operating System
I can see an image in the Finder, but when I go to that folder in LR, it is not there. If I go to LR Library, Import - I see all the images there except not for one (which as I said I can see in Finder).

In LR Preferences/General, I have "Treat JPEG files next to raw files as separate photos" checked.

What should I try next?
Welcome to the forum! What file type is the image (e.g. jpeg, raw, tiff)? Is there an associated image that was imported? For example, you imported the raw version of that file, but perhaps not the jpeg? And, what happens if you move or copy the file to a new folder and try to import it?

Are you sure that one image isn't already in the catalog? If the "missing" file has a valid image file-type (jpg/tif/psd/dng/png or proprietary raw) then it should appear in the import grid. However, it may not appear in the import grid if Lightroom thinks it's a duplicate, i.e. that image is already in the catalog. If that's the case, check the "All Photos/New Photos setting at the top of the import grid....if it's set to New Photos, change it to All Photos....in that mode any suspected duplicates will then appear in the grid, but will be greyed out and not selectable for import. Alternatively, toggle the "Don't Import Suspected Duplicates" option off and any suspected duplicates should then appear - even with "New Photos" selected - and would be selected for import.
I had previously tried all the things suggested by Ken and Jim (many thanks for the suggestions and time) - but none of these helped.

  • Happened regardless of file type (DNG, TIFF, JPEG).
  • Copy and pasted into other folders. In Finder, can see image - but not in LR Import.
  • Bridge sees image, can open image in PS and in Preview.
  • Not a duplicate image, not already in the catalog, no other associated image. Checking "All Photos" and turning off "Don't Import Suspected Duplicates" does not make the image appear.
I spent time on the problem today and was able to narrow the problem down to use of some Topaz products. When I used the Topaz products (DeNoise AI and Sharpen AI are the two I am using now) as LR plug-ins, no problems.

But when I used either of these products as stand-alone, LR Import would not see them (but Finder and Bridge both did see them).

I took a look at the Topaz "Help Center" under "Common and Known Issues" and believe I found the problem. It says it can be caused by unusual metadata in the file (and gives a way of stripping out that metadata).

Here is the link to that Topaz information: Image Exported from Topaz Program Not Opening in Other Editor(s)

I have not tried what they suggested, as I just don't want to do all that extra work. I will just use the Topaz products as LR plug-ins, now that I know (or at least believe I know) what is going on.

Thanks again for the help, Ken & Jim!
I took a look at the Topaz "Help Center" under "Common and Known Issues" and believe I found the problem. It says it can be caused by unusual metadata in the file (and gives a way of stripping out that metadata).
This is a good indicator. Even though a file may have a JPG extension does not mean that it conforms to the JPEG header specification. Files that were generated by 3rd party apps (like Topaz?) might write nonstandard metadata into the JPG file header. Lightroom is pretty strict on metadata sticking to the approved standards.
While writing this, one other thought occurred to me. Malware often gets introduced into unprotected Operating systems via image file that have had malware injected into their metadata. Could this be one such file? Have you run this file through your up to date malware app?
Thanks Cletus! I am sure the problem is that the file header is modified by Topaz and is not readable by LR.

I am sure the problem is not malware, at least in my case. The problem occurs repeatedly as I described using these Topaz products as stand-alone, and not in any other instance. I have replicated this numerous times, it is not random. So unless the malware only (and always) affects images from these Topaz products when run in stand-alone mode and in no other instance - it is not malware.
This may have some relevance. Apologies in advance if not relevant.

On a recent field trip, I permitted a friend to use my camera to take some images. I left the card with my friend, so the relevant images could be retrieved.

Yesterday, I got my card back. I have built my own application to copy the images from my card to my system (Windows app). It completes and displays a comprehensive cross validation of the images on the card. My app told me t hat there were 3 jpg files which did not have corresponding raw files.

The 3 files had the format of

I was able to see these files in some apps but not in others. They did not appear to have image data as could not display them as images.
The corresponding raw and jpg files existed if I stripped out the "._" from the names.

I know my friend used Lightroom to import the images to a very current Mac. I did some basic research and found that files beginning with "._" are fork files created under certain circumstances by Mac.

As I had the working raw and jpg versions of these files, I simply did not transfer them to my system as part of my image workflow.

I have the 3 ._ files and renamed them to remove the ._ prefix, to check if I could see if they contained images or metadata. They would not open as normal jpgs and I did not spend any more time with them.

This took me a long time to troubleshoot (so I could check if I was missing any jpg or raw files). I have no idea what might have happened while been imported or processed on the Mac.
Thanks Gbits, but not at all like the problem I am seeing.

I am convinced that the problem is Topaz stand-alone version is doing something to the files that LR does not like.

Easy solution - use the Topaz products as plug-ins.

I may post this as a bug on the Topaz forums.
This is a good indicator. Even though a file may have a JPG extension does not mean that it conforms to the JPEG header specification. Files that were generated by 3rd party apps (like Topaz?) might write nonstandard metadata into the JPG file header. Lightroom is pretty strict on metadata sticking to the approved standards.
While writing this, one other thought occurred to me. Malware often gets introduced into unprotected Operating systems via image file that have had malware injected into their metadata. Could this be one such file? Have you run this file through your up to date malware app?
Cletus is absolutely right here. PDFs are or were notorious as malware vectors, when used with older versions of Acrobat Reader. Same could easily be true of JPG "readers."
My continuing saga.

To recap:
- LR Classic 9.3
- Mac OS 10.15.6 Catalina

Have "Automatically write changes onto XMP" checked in LR Preferences (turned on).

Using Topaz DeNoise AI and Topaz Sharpen AI, each as a plug-in to LR.


After I save the image from either of the Topaz products and look at it in LR Library Module, Grid View, I see an upward pointing arrow at the top-right of the image.

From reading various resources I see this means there is a Metadata conflict between the information stored in the LR Catalog and that stored in the XMP file.

The upward pointing arrow indicates the metadata in the XMP file is newer than that in the LR Catalog.


1. When I click on the upward pointing arrow it displays the choice: "Import Settings from Disk" (which apparently reads the metadata from the XMP file and uses that to replace the information in the LR Catalog), or "Overwrite Settings" (which apparently replaces the information in the XMP file with the information in the LR Catalog).

I assume I should be selecting "Import Settings from Disk" but want to make sure I understand this correctly before I do anything.

2. Should I continue to leave " "Automatically write changes onto XMP" checked (turned on). Or would turning this setting off help me solve some of the issues I am having with these Topaz products?

3. I don't understand why I am having so many problems with these two Topaz products, as I have used many other similar products with LR without problems. I watch so many YouTube videos of people demo'ing these products without any mention of a problem.

Is it something I am doing wrong, or an inherent problem in these Topaz products that the reviewers are not mentioning or experiencing?

4. Any other thoughts or comments you might have about my situation?

If you're happy that the metadata in Lightroom is correct (e.g. you haven't intentionally changed metadata externally) then I would Overwrite Settings, or you could just ignore it.. Turning Auto Write off would save it asking you to update. Since you're not editing metadata in Topaz, I wouldn't worry too much about it.
Thanks for your help, Victoria. I did as you said, and clicked on "Overwrite Settings" - now I am back to where I started at.

Let me explain.

After clicking on "Overwrite Setting" I went into the Print Module, as I usually do. I saved the image (as a sRGB JPEG, but I don't think that should matter).

That JPEG image does not show up in LR, not in LR Library Grid View, not in LR Library Import window. BUT it does show up in Finder. (This is the same issue I started this tread with).

In LR Preferences/General, I have "Treat JPEG files next to raw files as separate photos" checked. The image is not already in the Catalog. The image was not a JPEG imported with a raw - rather obviously.

I tried in different folders with same problem. I did the same thing, this time selecting "Import Settings from Disk" - same problem.

I love the LR Develop Module, Library, Slideshow and Print Modules, but this stuff with the Catalog is driving me to drink!
After clicking on "Overwrite Setting" I went into the Print Module, as I usually do. I saved the image (as a sRGB JPEG, but I don't think that should matter).

That JPEG image does not show up in LR, not in LR Library Grid View, not in LR Library Import window. BUT it does show up in Finder. (This is the same issue I started this tread with).

In LR Preferences/General, I have "Treat JPEG files next to raw files as separate photos" checked. The image is not already in the Catalog. The image was not a JPEG imported with a raw - rather obviously.

I tried in different folders with same problem. I did the same thing, this time selecting "Import Settings from Disk" - same problem.

I love the LR Develop Module, Library, Slideshow and Print Modules, but this stuff with the Catalog is driving me to drink!
This is normal. Image files created via export or print are derivative images and are not managed by LRC. In the export function, you can check a box to add a derivative image to the catalog, but this is not an option for the Print to JPEG in the print module.

"Treat JPEG files next to raw files as separate photos” is for images on the initial import from the camera card where you have the same image on the card in both RAW and JPEG format.

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Thanks Cletus, what you said makes sense. (I only included the comment about "Treat JPEG ..." for completeness, since others asked about it.)

So if I understand you, this is not a problem that Topaz can solve. I really like using the Print Module. Sounds like I would need to request of Adobe that they include the ability to add the derivative image to the catalog. And there is no other way around that?

Is that correct?
Thanks Cletus, what you said makes sense. (I only included the comment about "Treat JPEG ..." for completeness, since others asked about it.)

So if I understand you, this is not a problem that Topaz can solve. I really like using the Print Module. Sounds like I would need to request of Adobe that they include the ability to add the derivative image to the catalog. And there is no other way around that?

Is that correct?

The import process is only invoked via the import dialog or as an option in the Export dialog. You are not likely to get support to add this to the print module. There is very little reason to Print to JPEG in the first place.
I have not read earlier posts in this topic, but I don’t understand why you are using the Print to JPEG module to get to Topaz. First JPEGs are a lossy format and data is lost sending a jpeg to Topaz or any other editor.
Second. The easiest way to get to Topaz is to add it as an external editor where Lightroom creates an intermediate (derivative image in a lossless format (TIFF or DNG) and Topaz returns the Topaz Adjusted file which was already cataloged by Lightroom Classic.

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First, thanks for all the help!

My reason for using the Print Module for JPEG. I print using use commercial labs, which require JPEG. I like to use the Print Module (rather than just exporting as a JPEG) because the Print Module lets me select Print Sharpening (final sharpening, by media type) and Print Adjustments (specific Brightness and Contrast adjustment numbers that I have determined via test prints) that I can't easily replicate elsewhere. I am not unique in doing so.

I am not using the Print Module to get to Topaz. I am using Topaz as a LR plug-in, just as you mentioned. It brings the file back into LR from Topaz as a TIFF.

Then I want to use that TIFF in the LR Print Module (as I described above) and use the LR Print Module to save it as a JPEG to send to my lab.

I know that JPEG is a lossy format. I am not "resaving" JPEGs.

My lab does a very nice job printing on various papers, including via a nice 12-color inkjet. I often print 24 x 36 inch. I don't want to buy such an expensive inkjet printer, as I don't have the room and I don't print often enough for it to make financial sense.

Thanks Again!

First, thanks for all the help!

Then I want to use that TIFF in the LR Print Module (as I described above) and use the LR Print Module to save it as a JPEG to send to my lab.

I know that JPEG is a lossy format. I am not "resaving" JPEGs.

My lab does a very nice job printing on various papers, including via a nice 12-color inkjet. I often print 24 x 36 inch. I don't want to buy such an expensive inkjet printer, as I don't have the room and I don't print often enough for it to make financial sense.

Thanks Again!

You still don’t need the print module! Just export the TIFF file as a JPEG in the size as required by the lab. The only time I have used the Print to JPEG option is to create a montage, diptych, triptych of several images or a white border around my image. If I want a single image larger than what is capable on my 13X19 photo printer, I simply crop the image in the aspect ratio of the desired print and export as a JPEG (or TIFF if the lab will accept).

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Can't do Print Adjustments (specific Brightness and Contrast adjustment numbers that I have determined via test prints) that way.
You need to investigate "SoftProofing" in the Develop module. By using SoftProofing, to can adjust the image for the printer/paper icc color profile used at the lab and mimic the printed appearance in the screen media.
No, I don't need to investigate soft proofing. I have used soft proofing and know what it does and how it works. That is not what I want to use.

Thank You.
No, I don't need to investigate soft proofing. I have used soft proofing and know what it does and how it works. That is not what I want to use.

Thank You.
What I have provided for you is the standard methodology for creating an image file suitable for sending to a 3rd party for printing. If you want to use something non standard, then it is your choice.

You initial question was about why your method did not result in the derivative JPEG getting cataloged in Lightroom. I think that has been explained satisfactorily.
My reason for using the Print Module for JPEG. I print using use commercial labs, which require JPEG. I like to use the Print Module (rather than just exporting as a JPEG) because the Print Module lets me select Print Sharpening (final sharpening, by media type) and Print Adjustments (specific Brightness and Contrast adjustment numbers that I have determined via test prints) that I can't easily replicate elsewhere.
Print sharpening by media type is available in the Export dialog too. You would have to make another set of test prints, but creating a virtual copy, make brightness and contrast adjustments to match the test prints, and then export this to JPEG while applying print sharpening should make it possible to create the exact same result as printing to JPEG does. And will give you what you want: the option to add the exported jpeg to the catalog.
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