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Import :ightroom CC8.1 no longer imports images

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New Member
Mar 12, 2017
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  1. Windows 10
I have been using LR CC 8.1 as a stand-alone programme without any problems until earlier this week when I tried importing images from my camera SD card. LR hung for a short while then came up with a message: "Could not copy a file to the destination folder because it is not writeable or there is not enough free space (4)" and listed the RAW files.
I'm running Windows 10 64 bit on a desktop with 16Mb of RAM and the destination drive, which is unprotected, has over 350Gb of free space.
Importing the SAME images from the SD card to another drive worked perfectly, so I suspected the problem lay with the drive.
I ran chkdsk on this drive and the drive where I keep the .lrcat file and both passed without any problem. I (long) formatted the images drive and copied over the images from the previous day's backup (when everything had worked fine) but no improvement.
Prior to this while looking at the original drive in Explorer (the one that was " not writeable or did not have enough free space"!), I noted that LR had created TempParent folders containing the very images I had attempted to import! I have tried the same import again and again and it comes up with the same message and creates more TempPatrent folders containing the images.
This suggests a problem with LR rather than the destination drive, so the next step would be to uninstall and re-install LR but I am rather hoping someone will know of an easier fix.
Hi fotofundi, I'd start by updating to 8.2, just in case it's a bug that they've already fixed.

You've done some great detective work there. It does seem odd that we're not hearing other reports of this issue, and that it's limited to a single drive. How is that drive connected? Have you got enough space on the boot drive? What happens if you try to put them into a different folder at the root of the images drive? I'm wondering about a folder permissions issue.
One other place to check. Lightroom also uses working storage (Usually on C:\TEMP) If there is not enough free space on C:\ then you will get that message. You need to have around 100GB free on C:\ for Lightroom and all of the other running apps to run smoothly.
Thanks for getting back on this subject.
I have 112GB free space on the root drive (C:) which is an internal SSD drive connected to the motherboard. The Lightroom programme runs from a second partition (D:) on the same disk which has 32.5Gb free. My images and the .lrxxx files are all held on an internal 3.5" HDD partition with over 430Gb of free space.
The division of OS, Programmes and Data on three separate partitions is a hangover from my DOS days and have never given me any trouble before - it is also useful having them separated when doing backups . All the folders and partition permissions have been checked and are OK.
Rather than do the Lightroom uninstall/reinstall option I reloaded my copy of Lightroom 6.14 to see if that ran into the same problem (I kept a copy of all the .lrxxx files for LR 6 when moving to CC8.1) and it worked perfectly using the same drives and partitions, so I'm pretty sure it must be a glich with CC8.1.
I'll try updating to CC8.2 as suggested and hope that cures the problem.
What happens if you manually copy files to your intended destination folder, and Import from there?
Thought I should post an update on this in case someone else runs into the same problem.
The original catalogue (.lrcat file) had passed the Lightroom integrety test, and even using a backup copy of the catalogue resulted in the same error, so I assumed Lightroom itself may have been corrupted and did a uninstall/re-install, but this made no difference either.
I had older backups I could turn to, but by now I didn't trust any of them, so decided to create a complete new catalogue, and bring all my images into this - starting from scratch. It took about 6 hours to complete the import, but seems to have solved the problem.
The original catalogue has now been removed along with its backup copies, so I'm hoping the problem has finally been solved, although what caused it, remains a mystery.
Thanks for the update!
Back again I'm afraid, but with a different issue. Before running into my original problem (see above) I had several plug-ins loaded into Lightroom. Following the re-install mentioned above I tried adding them back into the fresh LR Classic CC installation, but only one (Teekesselcham) was accepted. Whenever I try adding others that worked perfectly in the previous installation (exiftool and Jeffrey Friedl's gps plug-in) I receive the message 'An error occured when attempting to load this plug-in'
I have tried several other plug-ins with the same result. Is there any other way to add plug-ins without using >File>Plug-in Manager>Add?
I have also noticed that I can no longer 'Remove' the plug-ins that come with LR (Nikon, Canon tether etc). I can disable them, but the 'Remove' box is greyed out, yet I'm sure I was able to remove these in my original installation.
The built in ones like tethering have always had the Remove button greyed out, so that's ok.

Have you tried downloading more recent versions of the plug-ins that won't install?
LOL happens to all of us fotofundi
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