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Print module Identifying and compensating colour casts in prints


Active Member
Mar 6, 2019
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  1. macOS 10.13 High Sierra
I'm using a Canon GP 4000 40" large format printer at a business centre (there is no pro printing place in this town) and the prints have a slight tobacco tint to them. Its not major but I'm trying to get as close to neutral as possible. How do I create a test strip type of print that can help recognise what the tint is (mixtures of colours I can adjust for) and how to correct for it? It would be great if there was a colour wheel with minor colour changes through say blue and cyan combos that you could print to see which colour correction combo would eliminate the tint or cast in the print, rather than having to drive back each day with another random test which is what I'm doing now. Back in my colour film days Kodak had a colour swatch thing to assist with identifying colour casts that was quite helpful. Any ideas in this area would be helpful in reducing time (and cost).
The problem is more likely the colour profile that you have exported for the file output. Check with the company which they prefer you to use.
I found a way via Photoshop, I just need to work out how to bring the colour correction settings back into Lr