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ICC profiles lost from Print Templates

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New Member
Premium Classic Member
Apr 3, 2019
Loughborough,, UK
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Lightroom Classic 10.2
Operating System
  1. Windows 10
All my print templates appear to have had the Colour Management modified to "Managed by Printer" instead of using the ICC profile they were saved with. Fortunately I found out with a relatively small A5 card instead of an A2 sheet of fine art paper..... The printer (Epson 3880) settings appear to be unchanged at "no colour management" as expected.

But it's a bit annoying as I assume I'll have to manually reset them all.

Has anybody else had this or got any explanation how it might have happened? Is it a "feature" of version 10.2 - I've not noticed anything like this happen on previous upgrades.
I am on Windows 10 and have updated to LR 10.2 and all my icc print profiles are intact and the pop up list has all the profile listed. Not sure what happened to your settings. I assume they are still installed in C:\Windows\System32\spool\drivers\color ?
Peter, thanks for the reply.

My ICC profiles are still installed on the C drive, and are available from the pop up list in LR. My saved print templates had the ICC profile saved in the template, so I could load the template, drag the images into the cells and print. But now when I load any of my templates, it comes up with "managed by printer" instead of the ICC profile it was saved with.

It's not a major problem to re-apply the ICC profile and save the template with current settings to get it back, but it's one more thing to remember to check. There's now a post-it over the on/off button on the printer as a reminder!

I've just realised it may be related to another issue - all of the "corrupted" templates fail to print with "could not start print job". The fix for this seemed to be go into Page Set up and just hit OK. But I suspect it's all related. I can see some careful reading of the LR Queen's book to see if I can restore my templates from a back up is needed.

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