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I have imported my catalog from an older version to the newest Lightroom 9.2.1 - how to import own settings?

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Active Member
Sep 7, 2018
Lightroom Experience
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Lightroom 9.2.1
Operating System
  1. Windows 10
I have imported my catalog from an older version (Lightroom 9 or so) to the newest Lightroom 9.2.1.:

This message was shown before importing:

So Lightroom obviiously adds "-2" to some folders and files. Some other files and folders seem to be kept like they are (without adding "-2". Do I need all of these files and folders? Or can I remove some of them (Lightroom did not rename, e.g. the items not being renamed. And why are they left at all?)?

Should one manually rename (with the old names, without "-2") the files and folders Lightroom renamed? Or should one do it by using Lightroom (if yes, how?)?

And how can I import / export / get all of my own settings, Smart Collections, my own presets (they are completely missing) and such from the old to the new version?
Should one manually rename (with the old names, without "-2") the files and folders Lightroom renamed? Or should one do it by using Lightroom (if yes, how?)?

Lightroom will create all the files it needs, you do not have to rename anything. One thing to check however: Opening a catalog from Lightroom Classic 9.0 should not require a catalog upgrade. Only catalogs from versions before 9.0 will need that.

And how can I import / export / get all of my own settings, Smart Collections, my own presets (they are completely missing) and such from the old to the new version?
Upgrading a catalog should not require you to do any of that. The catalog contains your smart collections, so they should appear in the upgraded catalog. Other settings and presets have nothing to do with upgrading a catalog, so they should also not need anything. If you do have problems like that, then maybe you are opening a rather old catalog and/or make other mistakes.
Should one manually rename (with the old names, without "-2") the files and folders Lightroom renamed? Or should one do it by using Lightroom (if yes, how?)?
I personally don't like the "-2" catalog naming style that Lightroom uses every time there is a version upgrade, but I can understand why Adobe chooses.
AFTER you have upgraded to the latest version, you can shut down Lightroom Classic and using Windows Explorer manually rename everything named Lightroom Catalog-2.lrcat, Lightroom Catalog-2 Helper.lrdata, Lightroom Catalog-2 Previews.lrdata, Lightroom Catalog-2 Smart Previews.lrdata and Lightroom Catalog-2 Sync.lrdata to Lightroom Catalog.lrcat etc. or anyother name that you choose. My preferred name for my master catalog id "Master.lrcat".
Many thanks!

Lightroom will create all the files it needs, you do not have to rename anything.
Sorry, I meant, I do not want the "-2" at the end, I would like to give the files and folders the old name they had before.

One thing to check however: Opening a catalog from Lightroom Classic 9.0 should not require a catalog upgrade. Only catalogs from versions before 9.0 will need that.
Sorry again, yes, then it was an older version than 9.0.

Upgrading a catalog should not require you to do any of that. The catalog contains your smart collections, so they should appear in the upgraded catalog. Other settings and presets have nothing to do with upgrading a catalog, so they should also not need anything. If you do have problems like that, then maybe you are opening a rather old catalog and/or make other mistakes.
Yes, the smart collections are there. Sorry for omitting that: I have installed the new version on another drive. So I need to somehow get my settings, presets to that version.

AFTER you have upgraded to the latest version, you can shut down Lightroom Classic and using Windows Explorer manually rename everything named Lightroom Catalog-2.lrcat, Lightroom Catalog-2 Helper.lrdata, Lightroom Catalog-2 Previews.lrdata, Lightroom Catalog-2 Smart Previews.lrdata and Lightroom Catalog-2 Sync.lrdata to Lightroom Catalog.lrcat etc. or anyother name that you choose. My preferred name for my master catalog id "Master.lrcat".

OK, so I just remove the "-2" everywhere here. And there already is a file called "Katalog.lrcat". Is it the original file? Can I remove it? And also a "Katalog Helper.lrdata" is available. Can I also remove it? And I assume these can be removed: "Temporary Import Data.db" and "Temporary Import Data.db-wal"?
OK, so I just remove the "-2" everywhere here. And there already is a file called "Katalog.lrcat". Is it the original file? Can I remove it? And also a "Katalog Helper.lrdata" is available. Can I also remove it? And I assume these can be removed: "Temporary Import Data.db" and "Temporary Import Data.db-wal"?

When upgrading (and only when this is necessary), LR leaves the original files untouched and just creates a new catalog (with all the companion files and folders) and adds -2 to the original name. If you want to keep the old catalog name, you have to first move or delete everything having the old name (I suggest moving these files and folders temporarily just to check that everything is working well). You don't need to keep the old preview folder and its contents which is always rebuilt when needed. Once this is done, you can rename the new files and folders to the old name. The old catalog will be useless unless you want to keep it as a backup or if you intend to use it in a previous version of LR.

The temporary files can be deleted but normally, they should not be there when LR is not running.

When upgrading (and only when this is necessary), LR leaves the original files untouched
Sorry, I am not quite sure to understand. The message above says the process cannot be undone or something like that. So I would think there cannot be a (complete) back up anymore and the original files (at least some of them) would be touched. But it is not like that?

So I will rename all the files and folders with "-2" at the end like Cletus said. And before (some of them even after) I have / can delete these ones:
Katalog Helper.lrdata
Temporary Import Data.db
Temporary Import Data.db-wal

Is that right?
Sorry, I am not quite sure to understand. The message above says the process cannot be undone or something like that.
That is indeed a bit confusing. The upgrade itself cannot be undone, meaning that you cannot downgrade a catalog. But the upgrade creates an upgraded copy, so you can always go back to the original. You will obviously lose any work that you did after the upgrade in that case.
But the upgrade creates an upgraded copy, so you can always go back to the original.
So the original here is the upgraded copy (that I could do myself by simply copying the upgraded file), obviously. And I never cold go back to the not upgraded (the real original) file, I assume.
Before you upgraded to V9.2.1, your older catalog file was named Katalog.lrcat. The upgrade created a copy named Katalog-2.lrcat with the new database structure. You want to name the v9.2.1 catalog file to the old name. You either rename the olde catalog “Katalog.lrcat” to something else or move it to a different folder. Then you can rename your new “Katalog-2.lrcat” and similarly named files and folders to “Katalog.lrcat” etc. if you want to keep your new master catalog using the original name.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
You either rename the olde catalog “Katalog.lrcat” to something else or move it to a different folder.
Or I can remove it completely as I do not need it anymore or I use it as a back up.

OK, so I will do it, thank you very much!
But, how can I transfer my own settings to the new Lightroom and my presets?
But, how can I transfer my own settings to the new Lightroom and my presets?
As I already said, your presets should automatically be transferred. What do you mean with 'settings'? Preferences? Again they should automatically come over.
As I already said, your presets should automatically be transferred
Very sorry, but they aren't. They are not shown in the same panel at least respectively I cannot find them anymore. So may be is there an import, export function or such to (manually) transfer them? Should they automatically be transferred when the catalog is transferred / imported?

What do you mean with 'settings'? Preferences? Again they should automatically come over.
Yes, the preferences. All the settings I set in Lightroom.
Very sorry, but they aren't. They are not shown in the same panel at least respectively I cannot find them anymore. So may be is there an import, export function or such to (manually) transfer them? Should they automatically be transferred when the catalog is transferred / imported?
There is nothing to transfer. They are still in the same place. Or did you perhaps use the option to store the presets with the catalog, now or before the upgrade, and did you change that?

Yes, the preferences. All the settings I set in Lightroom.
Lightroom should still use the same preferences. What is it that is different now?
There is nothing to transfer. They are still in the same place.
Sorry, how is that possible when I install Lightroom on another drive?

Or did you perhaps use the option to store the presets with the catalog,
No, I didn't. But it sounds like a good idea to do that? Or is there anything against it?

Lightroom should still use the same preferences. What is it that is different now?
The back up path for example. And showing the splash screen was activated. At the moment I cannot open the "Preferences" because Win seems to prevent it (so I have to close Lightroom with the Task Manager), no access then (means viruses & threat protection):
Sorry, how is that possible when I install Lightroom on another drive?
Did you install Lightroom on another drive, or the catalog? Installing Lightroom on another drive should still not mean you have to move or reinstall the presets. Their location is explained here: Lightroom Classic File Locations | The Lightroom Queen

> Or did you perhaps use the option to store the presets with the catalog
No, I didn't. But it sounds like a good idea to do that? Or is there anything against it?
I don't think it is a good idea, but if you did store the presets with the catalog, and you moved the upgraded catalog to a new location, then that would indeed make you lose your custom presets. Look in your (old) catalog folder for a 'Settings' subfolder. Do you see one?

The back up path for example. And showing the splash screen was activated. At the moment I cannot open the "Preferences" because Win seems to prevent it (so I have to close Lightroom with the Task Manager), no access then (means viruses & threat protection):
The backup path can be set in the backup dialog. If that got lost, or you want to change it, then click on the 'Choose' button when you see the dialog that asks you to make a catalog backup.

I'm not a Windows user so I can't help you with that other error.
Did you install Lightroom on another drive, or the catalog?
Lightroom only. The catalog is on the same drive (not the same one Lightroom is / was installed on) like it was before, in the same folder without changing the place.

Installing Lightroom on another drive should still not mean you have to move or reinstall the presets.
Because they are copied / imported with the catalog? Here the are not unfortunately.

Their location is explained here: Lightroom Classic File Locations | The Lightroom Queen
Many thanks for the link. So I have to manually copy the presets, settings / preferences etc. to the folders of the new Lightroom?

I don't think it is a good idea, but if you did store the presets with the catalog
No, I didn't. That option was not activated.

Look in your (old) catalog folder for a 'Settings' subfolder. Do you see one?
There is an empty settings folder in:

The backup path can be set in the backup dialog. If that got lost, or you want to change it, then click on the 'Choose' button when you see the dialog that asks you to make a catalog backup.
Yes, but there might be more own settings I do not remember anymore / at the moment. What name has the file containing the settings. I could copy it from the old to the new Lightroom.
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