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How to zoom/move photos in compare view simultaneously?


Jul 24, 2013
Regensburg, Germany
Lightroom Experience
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Operating System
  1. Windows 11
When comparing images side by side in Compare View, I'm missing the "link focus" functionality of LrC that allows you to simultaneously zoom both images and dragging them around.

Is this not supported by Lightroom Desktop?
Schermafbeelding 2024-08-25 om 10.41.19.png

Don't you have this 'link' icon?
I think it's default not selected
View attachment 24138
Don't you have this 'link' icon?
I think it's default not selected
On my Mac I do not have the link symbol there until I select "Compare" from the View menu, (or Cmd-C), when it appears. If I want to stop comparing I have to do it by "esc", which causes the link icon to disappear. While Compare is on, clicking the link symbol changes it to a broken link symbol, but can't see that it does anything else. It doesn't turn off Compare, which I can only do by "esc".

Something doesn't seem right here, am I missing something?
The link icon is specific to the Compare mode, its sole purpose is to lock or unlock the parallel zoom or move of the two images being compared. It's logical therefore that the icon only appears when we enter Compare mode, and it disappears when we exit the Compare mode. Incidentally, I exit Compare mode by selecting a different mode, e.g. one of the two grid displays.
The link icon is specific to the Compare mode, its sole purpose is to lock or unlock the parallel zoom or move of the two images being compared. It's logical therefore that the icon only appears when we enter Compare mode, and it disappears when we exit the Compare mode. Incidentally, I exit Compare mode by selecting a different mode, e.g. one of the two grid displays.
Thanks. All clear. Obviously not something I ve been using but will now!