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How to free up space on iPad after using “Store Locally” option

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New Member
Jan 10, 2024
Lightroom Version Number
iPadOS 9.1.1
Operating System
  1. iOS

I have a lot of images in collections synced to the cloud as smart previews from Lightroom Classic, I want to use my iPad to sort and cull many of these images. I can see these collections as albums in Lightroom on my iPad, however working with these in the cloud is slow. Each image needs to load before I can make a quick judgment about things like critical focus, so a blurry preview isn’t enough.

Obviously I have the option to ” Store locally”, and Lightroom will download the smart previews to my iPad, allowing for quicker processing. However, as I have so many images, I cannot have them all synced to my iPad at the same time. What I would like to know is if I “store locally” one album at a time, temporarily, when does the local storage get purged once I switch off the “ Store locally” option?

I have tested this with a small album and while it quicky downloaded and used up storage on my iPad, it didn’t free up the space when I switched the “store locally” option off.

I contacted Adobe support, but couldn’t quite get them to understand what I was talking about, so I thought I would ask here. If anyone has any input, I would appreciate it.

Ok, looking again at the app, I think I can achieve this by clearing the cache after switching off the “store localy” button?

Is that correct?
That's correct. And it's intelligent to know any originals not yet uploaded aren't cleared.
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