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New Member
Jun 20, 2019
Lightroom Version Number
Classic 8.3.1
Operating System
  1. macOS 10.13 High Sierra
Hi! I'm using LR 8.3.1 and am trying to import HEIC pix from my Iphone 7. It will either import as JPG, or if I change a setting on my iphone to transfer pix in their original format, LR doesn't see them at all! UGH! I want to keep the HEIC format-- esp since LR supposedly can do this. What am I doing wrong?
You could do the following:
1: Install Lightroom Mobile on your phone;
2: Sync your Lightroom Classic catalog to the cloud. You don't have to sync up any images if you don't want to;
3: Shoot some pictures with the Apple camera app in HEIC format;
4: Start Lightroom Mobile and import these pictures;
The pictures will now sync down to Lightroom Classic, in HEIC format.
thanks! i'd rather not deal with the cloud...
Why not? It’s a lot easier than using cables and you paid for 20GB cloud space already...
The reason why Lightroom does not see the HEIC images on your phone might be cloud related as well, namely iCloud related. Check that iCloud Photos is not enabled. If it is, the original HEIC file will be moved to the cloud.
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