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Healing brush gets smaller with every application

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Nov 3, 2011
Lightroom Experience
Lightroom Version
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Operating System
  1. Windows 10
I have had a weird problem since at least the last update: When I use the healing brush (all three versions: content-aware, heal, clone), the brush size gets smaller with every click, see attached illustration where I repeatedly clicked from left to right. I wait until the click gets processed, then move to the next. It is not me resizing it through mouse/wheel movement or such. This is consistent and also happens on my laptop, which runs on Windows 11, same LR/CR versions.

Does anybody else notice this?

LR Classic 12.4 with CameraRaw 15.4,
Windows 10 Vs 22H2

Last edited:
Hope this help.

I'm wondering has a key on your keyboard got stuck on?

Sorry I'm a Mac user

My brush size adjusts with the scroll wheel. Any chance you a nudging that and shrinking the size?
I don't see it. I'm running Windows 10 and LRC 12.4.
Are you using a copy of the same Catalogue on the laptop as you are on the desktop? How about the Preferences file? There's something wrong on both machines, and wrong in the same way.
If you don't have an extra cheap mouse laying around, perhaps borrow one, and see if the problem occurs with a different mouse.
I don't see it. I'm running Windows 10 and LRC 12.4.
Are you using a copy of the same Catalogue on the laptop as you are on the desktop? How about the Preferences file? There's something wrong on both machines, and wrong in the same way.
Good suggestion, Hal. Yes, I am using the same catalog, but I just created a brand-new catalog, imported one file from a while ago and tried and it shows the same problem.
I wouldn't know which preference affects tool size, and it is only the healing tool, not the brushes, for example. And this is only since the last update or two.
I wouldn't know which preference affects tool size
If there was a problem with a corrupt preferences file, it likely wouldn't be anything visible in the Preferences window.

Unless you are syncing your preferences file between the two computers, it's less likely it's a problem with corrupt preferences, though it's remotely possible if you're triggering the same problem on both machines through similar actions. Try resetting LR's preferences:

LR sometimes soils its preferences file, and resetting it can fix all sorts of wonky behavior. That article explains how to restore the old preferences if resetting doesn't help.
Another possibility is there is some develop setting or combination of settings causing this behavior. In Library, select a problem photo and do Metadata > Save Metadata To File. Right-click the photo and do Show In Explorer. Upload the photo and its .xmp sidecar to Dropbox, Google Drive, or similar, and post the sharing link here. We can see if happens on other configurations.

Does anybody else notice this?

LR Classic 12.4 with CameraRaw 15.4,
Windows 10 Vs 22H2
I just tried on my Windows 11 Dell laptop.
LRC 12.4
Two different catalogs
a few times on jpegs.
a few times on a Canon RAW.
I varied the parameters - size, feather & opacity

All had no effect - spot size stayed the same until I rolled my scroll wheel or changed it via text input.
If there was a problem with a corrupt preferences file, it likely wouldn't be anything visible in the Preferences window.

Unless you are syncing your preferences file between the two computers, it's less likely it's a problem with corrupt preferences, though it's remotely possible if you're triggering the same problem on both machines through similar actions. Try resetting LR's preferences:

LR sometimes soils its preferences file, and resetting it can fix all sorts of wonky behavior. That article explains how to restore the old preferences if resetting doesn't help.
Thanks for the links. I reset the preferences and the first try it is doing the same thing. The healing brush size goes down by 2 or 3 with each click. 74-72-70-67-65-62...
Please do the menu command Help > System Info and copy/paste the entire output here. That will let us the precise Windows and LR display settings and maybe replicate the problem from that. (Without being able to reproduce the problem, Adobe is unlikely to put any effort into it unless many more people report the same symptoms.)
Please do the menu command Help > System Info and copy/paste the entire output here. That will let us the precise Windows and LR display settings and maybe replicate the problem from that. (Without being able to reproduce the problem, Adobe is unlikely to put any effort into it unless many more people report the same symptoms.)
Thanks for staying engaged. Here's the info attached.


  • SystemInfoDesktop.txt
    12.7 KB · Views: 208
The System Info shows a standard display size with no Windows display scaling (which can sometimes cause problems, and which I was suspecting):
System DPI setting: 96 DPI
Displays: 1) 2560x1600

It shows the GPU enabled with a driver slightly out of date (by two months):
DirectX: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (
Init State: GPU for Export supported by default
User Preference: Auto

You could try setting Preferences > Performance > Use Graphics Processor to Off to see if the bug goes away, and you could also try updating to the latest Nvidia Studio Driver from yesterday:

Updating the driver is worth doing in general, but I'd be moderately surprised if either disabling the GPU or updating the driver affected the problem.
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Adobe is aware of this issue and is looking into it.
Adobe's Rikk Flohr just updated the report in the Adobe forums to be a Bug with a cross-referenced internal bug-tracking number. Unfortunately, he didn't provide any more details, so there's no help there for others identifying a possible workaround.
Thank you all for your help. Looks like it was recognized as a bug.
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