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Library module Given a Collection, how can I produce a text list of Named People keywords that are applied to photos in the Collection?

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Kirby Krieger

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Premium Classic Member
Mar 12, 2017
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  1. macOS 13 Ventura
That's it:

In Lightroom Classic, Given a Collection, how can I produce a text list of Named People keywords that are applied to photos in the Collection?

Nothing I've tried gets them to the system clipboard.

I can select all the photos, copy all the keywords shown in the keyword field of the Keywording section in the right panel, and manually delete all keywords that are not Named People.
That's sufficient, but seems inelegant. I have over a close to a thousand Named People keywords, and hundreds of other keywords.

I would have tried some Plug-ins, but one of the recent upgrades removed them all.
My Search and Replace can copy each photo's Person keywords to its Caption or another field (inc custom fields) and another like LrTransporter or my ListView could export the metadata to a text file.

A Lua script could also generate a list of Person keywords and export it.

My Search and Replace can copy each photo's Person keywords to its Caption or another field (inc custom fields) and another like LrTransporter or my ListView could export the metadata to a text file.

A Lua script could also generate a list of Person keywords and export it.



  • 1726080178138.png
    42.7 KB · Views: 42

I can generate this list in a Keyword column of the Metadata Filter by selecting the column option "View Hierarchical". The only Person keywords that show are in the "Person Keywords" keyword group and assigned to at least one photo in the selected folder or Collection.
I can select just those Person keywords, but I don't know how to get them to the system clipboard or otherwise extract them.
My Search and Replace can copy each photo's Person keywords to its Caption or another field (inc custom fields) and another like LrTransporter or my ListView could export the metadata to a text file.

A Lua script could also generate a list of Person keywords and export it.

View attachment 24295
TY! I will give it a try. I had owned each of those Plug-ins. Will re-install and renew as needed.

I don't know Lua or scripting.

Coincidentally, I filled in another Lightroom survey this morning and again told Adobe to add a List View to Lightroom Classic.
Coincidentally, I filled in another Lightroom survey this morning and again told Adobe to add a List View to Lightroom Classic.
I wouldn't hold your breath! ListView was only written because I'd given up trying to persuade Adobe to do it - over 13 years ago.
I wouldn't hold your breath! ListView was only written because I'd given up trying to persuade Adobe to do it - over 13 years ago.

I know. I have been kvetching vainly for about half as long. Adobe keeps emphasizing that they value my opinion ( ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ) and ignoring my carefully considered requests.

Bonus to me from this thread: I have re-installed and updated all my Lightroom Classic Plug-ins.

Thank you for them and for your help here!
I have been looking for a native list since Lr beta, but ListView saved the day.

Sometimes I need lists from catalogs that may contain 500,000 to 1,000,000 images. In such cases I use SQL statements to get the file url and check if the file exists at the same time… I can derive any other data I need from the file url such as file size, space required on different drives, etc.

There are half a dozen basic items missing from Lr, with no prospect they will ever be catered for.
My Search and Replace can copy each photo's Person keywords to its Caption or another field (inc custom fields) and another like LrTransporter or my ListView could export the metadata to a text file.

Worked like a charm … but left me a bit short. Is there any way to export only unique values from ListView?
Coincidentally, I filled in another Lightroom survey this morning and again told Adobe to add a List View to Lightroom Classic.
@Kirby Kreiger Can you post thr survey URL. I'm sure that some of us here will also want to weigh in on this topic.
I have been looking for a native list since Lr beta, but ListViseew saved the day.
Me too.
There are half a dozen basic items missing from Lr, with no prospect they will ever be catered for.
Such as? Or do we start a new thread for this list?

My numero uno item is improved facial recognition. Second would be a way to access keywords from within the DEVELOP tab.
@Kirby Kreiger Can you post thr survey URL. I'm sure that some of us here will also want to weigh in on this topic.

Sorry, I cannot. It came up, iirc, when I opened this Adobe help page while looking for an answer before I posted here. It was one of the most extensive surveys they've presented me — about 20 minutes, and much more about the program than the usual and awful questions that obviously come from their brainwashing department. It included about five-minutes worth of what I want so-called AI to do.
Update: I was able to do this easily using BBEdit to remove duplicates.
I would have suggested getting it into Excel, making a pivot table from it, and copying the unique names from there.
I’ll add that in the last year or so I rewrote ListView from the ground up, and this version 2 is almost ready for release. That may be a clue about my view of the likelihood of Adobe providing one…..
I’ll add that in the last year or so I rewrote ListView from the ground up, and this version 2 is almost ready for release. That may be a clue about my view of the likelihood of Adobe providing one…..

People like you (and John R Ellis, Jeffrey Freidl, et al) add lots of value to the LrC base product, as well as a competitive advantage in the marketplace. Adobe should be very thankful for all of you,

People like you (and John R Ellis, Jeffrey Freidl, et al) add lots of value to the LrC base product, as well as a competitive advantage in the marketplace. Adobe should be very thankful for all of you,
Thanks Phil. Adobe can never justify implementing all the things some people will want to do, but at least with LrC they provided some expandability. I just wonder how much more Adobe might have allowed us to do though!
Thanks Phil. Adobe can never justify implementing all the things some people will want to do, but at least with LrC they provided some expandability. I just wonder how much more Adobe might have allowed us to do though!

I recall posts (here? Adobe forum?) raising the issue of Adobe limiting the API, which limits what plug-in authors can create.
I recall posts (here? Adobe forum?) raising the issue of Adobe limiting the API, which limits what plug-in authors can create.
I would say "not extending" rather than "limiting", Phil, but plugin authors work wonders with what Adobe have provided. I just wish they'd offer us more, and back in the early days I even remember talk about how LR's modular structure could allow 3rd parties to safely add their own modules. That may have been pie in the sky, but just imagine!

Off the top of my head, here are a few areas where I wish they'd expand SDK capability:
  • Sync data
    • access to likes and comments would allow plugin authors to turn feedback in LR shared albums into a proofing tool so you could automatically see client selections and comments
    • get storage status - original or smart preview in the cloud could help manage your cloud usage
  • Read-only database access
    • more precise smart collections
  • Map
    • essentially this is the ability to control the embedded Google map
    • draw lines and overlays (exploiting the tracklog feature?) and popups on the map
    • define your own non-circular areas
    • show sunrise and sunset directions, tide and weather data
    • popups might include links to Google Streetview in a browser or even in Map itself
  • Book could allow custom book size definitions and layouts
Some may say I'm a dreamer.
I would say "not extending" rather than "limiting", Phil, but

I stand corrected. Poor word choice on my part,
Off the top of my head, here are a few areas where I wish they'd expand SDK capability:
  • Sync data
    • access to likes and comments would allow plugin authors to turn feedback in LR shared albums into a proofing tool so you could automatically see client selections and comments
    • get storage status - original or smart preview in the cloud could help manage your cloud usage

Would be very useful.
  • Read-only database access
    • more precise smart collections
Yes! sort condition that allows selection of any database field. SQL statements.
  • Map
    • essentially this is the ability to control the embedded Google map
    • draw lines and overlays (exploiting the tracklog feature?) and popups on the map
    • define your own non-circular areas
    • show sunrise and sunset directions, tide and weather data
    • popups might include links to Google Streetview in a browser or even in Map itself
  • Book could allow custom book size definitions and layouts
Yes. I would add next level detail, e.g. street addresses.
Some may say I'm a dreamer.
Word choice. A visionary who sees what users would readily embrace.

People like you (and John R Ellis, Jeffrey Freidl, et al) add lots of value to the LrC base product, as well as a competitive advantage in the marketplace. Adobe should be very thankful for all of you,
Yes! 100 x . Thank you.
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