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Import Files are corrupted after import

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Apr 16, 2019
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  1. macOS 13 Ventura
After shooting I check the back of my camera and the images look good. I then place the card in my computer to download into LC and once again the files look good. Then I pick a folder for the images to be downloaded to and initially they are still looking good, until the previews are initiated and the final image on the screen has vertical lines coming in from the side. Any suggestions? Something seems to be happening during the preview build. Any suggestions?
Flawed photo.jpg
Camera make/model?

File type from camera (Raw> C-RAW, Jpg? Etc.)

After shooting I check the back of my camera and the images look good
This is a Jpg no matter what file type is being saved on the memory card

I then place the card in my computer to download into LC and once again the files look good.
Do you use a cable from camera to computer or a slot in the computer or an add on card reader?
Looks good using what SW?

Then I pick a folder for the images to be downloaded
How are you importing? Directly from the memory card using the same setup as above or are you importing from a copy of the image you previously placed on disk someplace?

Are you using any import presets?

Do you run the image through any other SW before importing to LrC?

Something seems to be happening during the preview build. Any suggestions?
Is the problem present in the Loupe view?

How about in the develop module?

Can you show us a screen shot of the history panel in the Develop module?

Can you tell if the left and right sides are scrambled versions of those parts of the image (as seen on the camera) or the whole image is intact but ther is extra width with junk on the left and right?

If you open the original image with something else like Apple Photos is the problem there?
You are only seeing a JPEG thumbnail until you go into develop. The striations suggest that the data block is corrupt on the disk drive. It might be corrupt when recorded by the camera. This especially true if you are shooting RAW.This could happen during import or while the data is being transferred from the card to the Disk drive.

I would suspect a bad USB cable or Card reader. If the card reader is the camera, the you are probably not providing enough power to drive the file transfer. If you are using a cable attached card reader, again an unpowered USB card reader could be the fault.

I also await the answers to Dan’s questions.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
I am shooting with a Canon R6 in RAW. When I import the files are changed to DNG. Sorry, I meant LR not LC. When I import I take the card from the camera and import with the SD slot on a MAC 27", no cable. When I say it looks good, its when the images are loaded before I hit the import button, and I am importing directly. Yes the problem is present in Loupe view and in the develop module.
A snap shot of the history panel is attached and it appears to me that the image is intact with extra junk on the side.
I haven't tried oping the file with anything else
History Snap Shot.png
What lens are you using? I have a vague recollection of a similar recent issue which was due to a problematic lens profile, which I think was for the Canon RF 24-240 lens.
As a work around, maybe try without converting to DNG.

Also, if indeed it is a lens profile issue, try turning off lens profile correction in the Lens Correction Panel

Worth a shot.
Thank you one and all. Yes, it turned out to be the lens profile. In recent update, V3 is the problem. I went back to V2 and all is well!
Thank you one and all. Yes, it turned out to be the lens profile. In recent update, V3 is the problem. I went back to V2 and all is well!
You are the third person I have come across who had this problem although I think at least one of the others had the issue with the v2 profile.
Yes, I’ve seen a number of concerns with V2 but they are all dated back in 2021. I imagine V3 was in a current update and needs to be corrected.
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