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External Editors File exported to PS2025 not appearing


Premium Classic Member
Jan 19, 2020
Lightroom Version Number
Operating System
  1. macOS 14 Sonoma
On Mac OS 14.6.1, I've updated Photoshop to 2025, updated Bridge, Camera Raw etc but have not updated LrC. LrC remains on 13.3.1.

The problem: Edit in Photoshop doesn't cause the selected file to appear in PS.

1. Select photo to Edit in Adobe Photoshop 2025
2. Photoshop begins to open
3. Preparing file for editing progress bar appears in upper left of LrC screen.
4. Photoshop opens but file does not appear.
5. After a long while, maybe 20 seconds, the following error in LrC: "The file could not be edited because Adobe Photoshop 2025 could not be launched."
6. Eventually the file may appear in PS after several tries.

I have reset my LrC preferences.
Out of interest, why haven't you updated to 13.5? You might want to wait for initial feedback with 14.0, but you get a lot of the bug fixes (that may help!)
Thanks Paul. Updated to 13.5.1. That fixed the problem. I noticed during the update that one of the fixes mentioned in 13.5.1 is something like "Improvements in PS Workflow." :)
Great news!
A little bit of a discovery. Before upgrading to 13.5.1, while still on 13.3, the big delay was that LrC was actually creating Tifs of the files I was trying to send to PS.