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Export Exporting pictures custom order - LR 9 Classic latest version

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Feb 10, 2020
Lightroom Experience
Lightroom Version
Lightroom Version Number
LR Classic 9.4
Operating System
  1. Windows 10
to keep pictures in custom order for export, you have to rename them (sequence# + name or name + sequence) ? I think there is no other way. My Archive is about 67.000 pictures, 8.000 - 11.000/year. Would you suggest to start each year with sequence# 1? It's for private use, only
LR seems to switch back from custom order to order by time stamp, when I click an upper level folder. I am considering to export my pictures by year using J. Friedl's "Folder publisher" to keep the folder tree structure. My structure is : year - trip - day folder. But only in the "day folders" I can chose "custom order". So I have to click each day and hope, that LR keeps the custom order? This process does not appear very stable. Maybe there is a more reliable way to do it?
I appreciate your advice
Robert, Vienna, Austria
to keep pictures in custom order for export, you have to rename them (sequence# + name or name + sequence) ? I think there is no other way. My Archive is about 67.000 pictures, 8.000 - 11.000/year. Would you suggest to start each year with sequence# 1? It's for private use, only
LR seems to switch back from custom order to order by time stamp, when I click an upper level folder. I am considering to export my pictures by year using J. Friedl's "Folder publisher" to keep the folder tree structure. My structure is : year - trip - day folder. But only in the "day folders" I can chose "custom order". So I have to click each day and hope, that LR keeps the custom order? This process does not appear very stable. Maybe there is a more reliable way to do it?
I appreciate your advice
Robert, Vienna, Austria

The destination folder on the operating system has no sort order. Files and parts of files are never added in sequence or even contiguous. After you export, the app (Explorer/Finder) that views the files in the folder is the controlling process that determines the sort order. The default sort order for Explorer/Finder is by file name but this can be changed. If you run a slideshow app then it determines the sort order. You have to work with the sort option in the slideshow app if you want a particular order in that app.

Knowing the sort order options of the app being used to view the images, determines what you need to do to get the files named so that they will sort in the order that the viewing app can display them properly.
If you want to run the Explorer/Finder defaults or of the other viewing app can not accommodate the sort criteria that you want, then you can rename on export. There is no “custom”sort order if you are viewing in an app that does not recognize a custom sort.

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Hi, Cletus, thanks for your quick answer.
I found Pictureflect the only slide viewer that can show the "Title" created in LR as overlay on the TV-Screen (.jpg).
My destination folders are on an external HDD, to be operated from an Laptop (TV sits too far from the main PC).
Maybe, my English ist too poor to understand your message in detail...
Do you mean, there is no way to make sure, that the new sequence numbers applied during renaming in export, correspond to the order that I have chosen in LR before?
WhenI click the bottom file in Library Module, I can select "Sort: Custom Order", not only "Sort by Name". Having already done this, I want to maintain this individual order for export.
Best regards
"Capivara" Robert, Vienna
Your English is better than my German, I'm sure. Also better than my written English (too many typos).

The point I am trying to make is there is no sort order in any computer. Files are not stored in a particular order. Files are read by apps. When in Lightroom, the files can be sorted several different ways. Once these files are outside of Lightroom, then they are at the control of the app/program/software that reads them next. You need to know the sort options of the app/program/software that reads them next. Sometimes that app/program/software may not have any sort options but will automatically sort by file name (most common)

If you want to use the Lightroom Custom Sort order then you need to Sequence them on export by a sequence that will be used by the app/program/software that reads them next. If you include a Sequence number in the exported file name and theapp/program/software that reads them next uses the file name for sorting, then they have to be Alpha numerically contiguous . If the first file in the Custom file sort order is "Wien0001.jpg", the second file is "HunterwasserHaus.0002.jpg", and the third is "Fischamend0003.jpg", then"Fischamend0003.jpg" will sort first because of the Alpha numeric sorting rules. "0001Wien.jpg", "0002HunterwasserHaus.jpg"then"0003Fischamend.jpg" will sort by the app/program/software that reads them next if it uses a file name to sort the files as they are read.
The app you mention, Pictureflect, says on its website that it can "Order files, including randomly" . You may need to sort the files in that App if renaming on export does not give you the sort order that you need in Pictureflect.
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Hi Cletus,
thanks again for your support.
It seems that other users are struggling with as similar issue.
https://feedback.photoshop.com/phot...s-when-exporting-album-to-portfolio-adobe-comI think any slide viewer can show pictures according to their time stamp or number. That's not the problem. Renaming the pictures during export (i.e. adding a sequence nummer) is done by LR, regardless the program I use later, after export.
The quoted conversation (LR CC ex 2019) suggests that LR is unable to add a proper idex number to a staple od pictures in several albums. Of course I could give the pictures a new sort order within pictureflect or any other program. But that's not feasable with 67.000 pictures.
I want that LR maintains my sort order during export and gives the coresponding numbers during the precess of renaming. If it does not, I do not see any reason for renaming and giving new numbers. The pictures have already numbers....
Maybe more recent versions of LR classic (no cloud) have eliminated this problem?

Best regards,

"Capivara" Robert, Vienna
That's not a great example thread to use, as that was mainly talking about the display order of images in albums shared from the Adobe cloud (thus exports are not needed in that scenario).
However, further in that thread I explained how users could do what you are wanting, i.e. translate a custom sort order within Lightroom into a set of exported files whose filenames could be sequenced to match the custom order. It's no conicidence that my explanation there is pretty much identical to the explanation that Cletus offered in post #4 above, though his post provides even more detail.
You've also misunderstood was I was saying when I said that the sequence number on export option wasn't available in Lightroom.....that was in relation to the cloud-based version of Lightroom, which had limited export options at that time. Lightroom Classic, however, has always had those options.
Furthermore, even the cloud-based version of Lightroom now has those options as well.
I can not stress this enough. Computers have no sort order. Only Apps running on computers have a sort order and a default order that may or may not be changeable. The feedback forum that you reference is specifically about the Adobe Product Portfolio which can access published Lightroom Classic file when published in a Lr Classic Publish Service. Since that topic, the Portfolio Publish Service has been discontinued in LrC. The feedback forum topic poster thought that the Custom Sort order defined ONLY in Lightroom should be available in another Adobe family product. Perhaps it could but it is no longer relevant since the Portfolio Publish Service has been removed from Lightroom Classic.

It has nothing to do with your issue since you are using Pictureflect to read and view images that have been exported from Lightroom. Once they leave Lightroom, these images are no longer under the control of Lightroom and the sort order is determined by the app (Pictureflect) that reads them. There is no index number in any image file format. This means that there is no place for Lightroom to put a sequence value except in the file name.
"This means that there is no place for Lightroom to put a sequence value except in the file name " - Yes, thats not the problem - Of course my names include numbers (time stamp). So adding a new sequence number in the export dialogue in LR is not necessary, because the sort order stays unchanged and there is no way to change it automatically into an individual order, what I have done already? That's not good news
Best regards,
...there is no way to change it automatically into an individual order, what I have done already? That's not good news"
When wanting a custom sort in the destination app, you need to consider the sorting options of that app. If the app sorts on an alpha-numerical sequence of file names, then you need to rename your exported files such that the destination app will sort correctly according to your custom order.
If the destination app allows you to reorder your file in a custom sorted order, the it is in this app that you can create the custom order you desire.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
This might be a bit of a cop-out, but I export the files from Lightroom in any od order, then use FastStone to arrange and rename them. Yes, it's an extra step or two, but I know exactly where I am up to.
Thanks your your support..
After a long conversation a short and frustration answer....
Frustrating, because you have to stick to a certain viewer. Renaming by hand 67.000 pictures? Thanks....That's not a job you want to do. As you know, companies are changing their business idea or are discontinuing support or are closing down..... As I have written before, I found not other slide viewer for .jpgs that displays the "Title" created witin LR (Metadata IPTC) as an overlay, other than pictureflect, which is almost free. If you know one, I am happy to learn about.... Faststone is a decent program, but maybe a single person issue....
Most viewers transform the .jpgs into a movie program with timeline. I do not need a timeline with music, talk etc. It would take a too much time to create a timeline ... I paid much for a camera , that has high resolution (D850), which I do not want to lose using a movie program with HD resolution, only, instead of 4K+ resolution. Therefore I want to stay with .jpgs. Maybe, in the near future I get to know about another more capable program....
LR's feature "Sort Custom Order" in the Library Module (attached) is obviously not very useful on the long run. It's just to make people believe...? .:cool:
Best regards,
"Capivara" Robert, Vienna


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