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Develop module Export duplicates catalog entries

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New Member
Premium Classic Member
May 4, 2015
Norwich, England
Lightroom Experience
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Operating System: Windows 10
Exact Lightroom Version (Help menu > System Info): Lightroom Classic version: 7.0.1 [ 1142117 ]

Hi there!
Now using Lightroom Classic, for images I shoot in RAW + JPG and then stack as pairs in my Catalog (an unchanged workflow, from LR5 days).

But now I find that on exporting a JPG from my edited RAWs, into the same folder using "Stack with" and "Above", I'm apparently creating a new version of the RAW file each time... or rather, an extra Catalog entry for it, as though I'd done so!

So a simple one image, two file - after exporting JPGs sized at 1024 (Filename-41), 2048 (-21) and at Full-size (-1) from the one RAW file - ends up looking as though it contains 8 files, including the original RAW and JPG pair - however Explorer shows only the expected 5 (the camera's two and 3 JPG exports)

Any ideas?
Sorry, failed at my attempt to post examples but will add once I've found how to!

TIA, Peter
[Edit to add... turning off the "Stack With" option does at least stop the extra entry being produced, but isn't as convenient!!]

Images - which I hope aren't too big?

View of the folder in LR Catalog

- and in Explorer

Details of the Export Preset used for the Filename-41 version

Export multiplication.JPG
The folder.JPG
Exp Preset.JPG
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I have read bug reports about this. Lightroom adds an extra entry in the catalog, so your RAW original shows four times. Right now, there is little you can do except not using the 'stack with' option until there is an update that fixes this problem.
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