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Export "Export" doesn't work

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Mar 28, 2019
Brugge, Belgium
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  1. Windows 11
In Lib-module can I not use "Export". Nothing happens
What do you mean by nothing? Is the actual Export button not doing anything? Or do you mean the dialog comes up, but nothing exports?
Try updating to 14.0.1 - it specifically addressed some Export issues.
I went through a sequence last night that included what you are saying. WIthout being able to prove it, I think the recent update to WIn 11 last week is part of it.
I couldn't get LR 14 to restart , though Win Task Manager showed some of it was running, and when it did, Export didn't behave at all. By this I mean no dialog appeared. I restarted and shut down a few times.
I eventually shut down, and after a restart I opened up the new PS 2025. Then I opened up my new LR 14C Catalog. All seemed to be good then. Don't ask me why.
I still have to go back in this morning and check it out. It looks like I need to try 14.01.
Last edited:
Now in LR 14.01 and "Export" still no dialog appearing
So, just to be clear: you are in Library module (Grid view?) you have one or more photos selected - and Export is Grayed out? Or it's not gray and you click and nothing? In that same scenario, does File > Export invoke an Export menu?
Yes, I am in Library-moudule. I have 4 foto's selected.
The "export" lights up and can be pressed. Nothing happens.

Via the menus: file - Export. : nothing happens

When I quit LR, the proces isn't ended. i have to close it manually and delete the file *.lock i the LR-map

I tried once more. Now it seems to work but it takes more than 60 seconds before the dialog appears..

LR is all the time very busy reading from the internet

Lock file will go once the App is closed.

Two things I'd suggest trying:
- Pause Sync - wait a couple of minutes - see if the internet activity stops
- See if Export works when the activity stops (that's part of point 1!)
- Try resetting Preferences (the file can become corrupt)

How do I reset Lightroom’s Preferences?

I have disabled adobe from seeing what i do for productimprovement.

Acivity on internet stops and export opens as usual
The proces LR closes instantly as I quit LR

Interesting. So, unless you use Sync then Pause is useful.

If you do use Sync, is this the first update from 13.2? If so, the initial sync is quite intensive (time depends on the number of photos inn the Cloud)
No, I never used Sync I have no foto's in the cloud.
I used LR 13.3 since it came availabel.

Now, it seems all to behave as normal
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