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Export Existing files management broken on batch exports?


New Member
Apr 16, 2024
Lightroom Version Number
Operating System
  1. macOS 15 Sequoia
It looks like the "extisting files" management feature is broken on batch exports.

This is one of my export presets:

These are existing files with the corresponding names:

This is what I see after exporting with a batch preset:

As you can see, the name of the preset, along with a "-2", is appended to the filename. The original files are not replaced. This also happens if you select anything else from the "existing files" dropdown.

I just started using batch exports, which was added last year. I'm not sure how such a large bug exists on such a major feature over a year after its release. Unless I'm the only one whom this is happening to.
I think that behaviour is as designed. After all, a user might be exporting the images(s) using multiple presets with the output going into the same folder....and they might have different options selected for the "Existing Files" option. The user is warned that some settings will be greyed out and ignored when doing batch export using multiple presets. See this Adobe help document: https://helpx.adobe.com/uk/lightroo...photos-basic-workflow.html#multi-batch-export

I have attached a screenshot of the important note at the end:

I think that behaviour is as designed. After all, a user might be exporting the images(s) using multiple presets with the output going into the same folder....and they might have different options selected for the "Existing Files" option. The user is warned that some settings will be greyed out and ignored when doing batch export using multiple presets. See this Adobe help document: https://helpx.adobe.com/uk/lightroo...photos-basic-workflow.html#multi-batch-export

I have attached a screenshot of the important note at the end:

View attachment 25454
There's nothing in that support article that contradicts how it should behave, which is different from what it does right now.

"If there is any conflict in file naming" should not supercede the "overwrite without prompting" option. It is meant for when two files with the same name are exported to the same folder due to the selection of multiple presets during a single batch export, not across multiple exports. Otherwise the "existing files" option would be grayed out (which is it not, and if it were supposed to be, that itself would be its own bug).

In any case, there definitely is a bug because the same thing happens when you choose "skip" in the existing files options. It does not skip the export. @Califdan
What does the preset do because it looks like it is doing some renaming which could be contributing to the problem.
It keeps the original filename, but one preset exports it to a "hires" subfolder and the other one to a "web" subfolder. There should be no naming conflicts. I tested with different suffixes, different numbering, and even completely different folders and file naming for both presets, but this behavior persists.

I think the best option right now is to just select the presets individually and export manually. Takes 10 seconds more than being able to select multiple presets and doing a batch export, but the overwrite or skip functionality actually works. Not sure why there's the difference as I'm essentially doing the same thing in both instances, just in two different ways.