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EHD conflicts using Lightroom and Mac Time Machine

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Jun 23, 2014
Lightroom Experience
Operating System: MacBook Pro. latest version
Exact Lightroom Version (Help menu > System Info): Classic CC

I have had a conflict with two EHDs. They are both named the same. One I use with Mac Time machine to back up my system. The new EHD will now be used to back up my files, the Lightroom Catalog and the DNG files.

Since both EHDs have the same name, I need to change the new EHDs name so there isn't a conflict with Time Machine EHD. Is it as easy as going through Lightroom to change the name of the new EHD so my files will not lose the connection?

I've been on the Mac Forum and they say to right click on the new EHD and change the name, but that seems like I would lose my connectivity to Lightroom.

Any help will be appreciated.
Is it as easy as going through Lightroom to change the name of the new EHD so my files will not lose the connection?
No, you can't change the name of a disk in Lightroom. It's easy to 'reconnect' the images however. Change the name of the disk in the Finder (right-click on the disk icon), then start Lightroom. All the folders will show as 'missing' with a question mark. Right-click on the top folder and choose 'Find Missing Folder'. You will get a standard 'open' dialog box. Go to the folder on the renamed disk in that dialog and select it. That will 'reconnect' this folder and all its subfolders. The folder will 'jump' in the folder panel from the 'old' disk to the 'new' disk that will now also show in the panel. If you have more than one top folder, you have to repeat this for each of them. That's all. If heard a few times that people needed to restart Lightroom before the new folder appeared.
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