Denoise (Enhance) has stopped working.


Active Member
Apr 30, 2010
mid-wales, UK
Lightroom Experience
Lightroom Version
Operating System
  1. Windows 10
Denoise (Enhance) has just stopped working. I've been away from my PC for a couple of days and switched it off before I went away. Today clicking on "denoise" results in a greyed out window and a process time of 5 minutes (previously it was 2 or 3 minutes) Clicking on the enhance button results in an error message. Has LR updated while was away?

Has LR updated while was away?
If you had completed the version part of the new post, we would know how to answer the question. This is why we request that information on all posts. The current version of LrC is v13.5. I don't know what version you are running or if you need to update LrC.

I know of no way that DeNois would stop working. However, Denoise ONLY is available for RAW files. Selecting any other file type (RGB). will result in the Denoise check box or button being unavailable.
Sorry, I didn't notice anywhere to select the version. It is 13.5. After my post I had a look in Preferences/Performance and clicked the various options in GPU on/off in a fairly random fashion , restarted LR and now it works. Sorry to bother you.
There is an update available today (13.5.1) - it addresses a Windows issue with DeNoise. May not be the same one you have, but worth installing to see.