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  • Are you using the cloud-based Lightroom apps for iOS, Android, Windows, Mac, and Web? Then you'll love my book, Adobe Lightroom - Edit on the Go!

    You'll learn how to use the Lightroom cloud ecosystem to organize, edit and share your photos. You'll also come to understand the thought processes used by professional photographers when they're editing their own photos, so you can transform your photos quickly and easily. And better still, the eBooks are updated for every release, so it's always up to date.
  • 12 December 2024 It's Lightroom update time again! See What’s New in Lightroom Classic 14.1, Mobile & Desktop (December 2024)? for Feature updates, new cameras and lenses, and bug fixes.


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Jul 2, 2019
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How do I view 2 images on the screen at same time so I can compare them?
Welcome to the forum! In LR Classic, at the bottom of the Library window is an icon that shows the letters "X" and "Y" next to each other. Select two photos and then click on that icon. Both images will appear on the screen side-by-side.

Good luck,

L.ightroom v4 Cloud Version?
The XY compare is not available in 'Cloudy'.
The best you can do is enlarge thumbnails to the maximum on the slider.
I really miss the compare functionality of Classic. Will try the thumbnail idea but so far is does not give enough size to compare soft focus or any really detailed comparisons. Anyone find other ways to do this? I often compare 2 to 6 photos of birds to try and decide which is best and no compare is PAINFUL. This may actually be a deal-breaker for me and cloudy.
This may actually be a deal-breaker for me and cloudy.
Lightroom (cloudy) is going to have less functionality than the more mature and robust Lightroom Classic. However there are some things that cloudy does that have appeal. Sensei and mobile sharing are two that come to mind. I am convinced that there is a place for both in my workflow. I import into cloudy and finalize my photos in Classic.
When I need to compare lots of images during culling, I actually use other software. FastStone is not perfect, but it is useful and fast. It is available for Windows, but I am not certain if a Mac version is also offered.

Good luck,

@Replytoken Good idea. I actually do have some other software that I have not been using - will try that out.

@clee01l How are you getting your photos to Classic for finalization? I think it's a good idea to try out... I can only send over the photos I want to work on to Classic and work from there.... are you simply using a synced folder?
@clee01l How are you getting your photos to Classic for finalization? I think it's a good idea to try out... I can only send over the photos I want to work on to Classic and work from there.... are you simply using a synced folder?
I sync Classic to Cloudy. Full sized images imported into cloudy are sync’d along with their cloudy changes to my Classic Catalog.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
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