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Color profile, built-in lens profile missing from DNG file

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New Member
Aug 23, 2023
Lightroom Version Number
Lightroom Classic 12.2
Operating System
  1. Windows 10
I'm using Lightroom Classic.

I have a single DNG format photo in a series of 7 exposure bracketed photos that fails to sync color profile and white balance while all of the other photos in the folder sync successfully.

For this photo, none of my custom color profiles appear when I click browse under Profile.

This photo also does not have the built-in lens profile applied, unlike every other photo in the folder.

How can I search my catalog for any DNG files with no built-in lens profile applied?

How can I apply the built-in lens profile from another photo shot with the same lens?

How can I sync color profile and white balance to this photo along with all of the other photos?

What kind if DNG is this? Where does it come from?
This DNG was created by Lightroom from a raw RW2 file on import along with every other file in this folder.

The photo was shot with the same lens and camera as every other photo in this folder.
If the DNG file is a RAW file there is no color Profile. Color Profiles only apply to RGB images.
I'm sure the OP refers to the camera profiles in the Lightroom Basic panel, not icc-color profiles.

This DNG was created by Lightroom from a raw RW2 file on import along with every other file in this folder.
The photo was shot with the same lens and camera as every other photo in this folder.
Sounds like this DNG got corrupted somehow.

How can I fix it?

Is it possible to copy the built-in lens profile from one DNG file to another?

Or is it possible to find profiles for Panasonic Leica lenses and apply them manually?

Also, how can I search a catalog or file folder for DNG files with no built-in lens profile applied, just in case this has happened on any other Lightroom Import operation?

I only noticed this one because the colors for the middle exposure were so far off from the colors of the other six exposures in the bracket.
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