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Cloud : sync RAW files and edits from Macbook (Lr Classic) to iMac (Lr Classic) ?

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New Member
Jan 25, 2013
Lightroom Experience
Lightroom Version Number
Lightroom Classic 12.0.1
Operating System
  1. macOS 12 Monterey

I travel with my Macbook running Lr Classic on which I store and edit my pictures while I'm away from home.
Is it possible to sync my RAW files and edits on the cloud from my laptop so that when I get back home it's all automatically available on my iMac ?
Not only the smart previews !

Thanks !
No. But you could use Lightroom-Desktop on the laptop while traveling to achieve similar to what you ask.
My 'simple' understanding is: Lightroom-Classic was not designed to sync files via the Cloud.
To use two systems with Classic see-
MULTIPLE COMPUTERS- How to use (Lightroom Queen)
I use Lightroom (mobile) on my iPadPro to sync to the Adobe Cloud and then down to Lightroom Classic running on my iMac. It works great. Before I replaced my aging MBP with the iPadPro, I tested the process using my MBP.
The only caveat is Adobe Cloud Storage. The 20GB plan might be insufficient since modern camera cards usually exceed the 20GB size. You will need to manually do the Adobe Cloud housekeeping to keep from exceeding the 20GB plan. I change my photography plan to 1TB just so I need not worry about storage limits. With the 1TB plan, I rarely exceed 100GB.
I use Lightroom (mobile) on my iPadPro to sync to the Adobe Cloud and then down to Lightroom Classic running on my iMac. It works great. Before I replaced my aging MBP with the iPadPro, I tested the process using my MBP.
The only caveat is Adobe Cloud Storage. The 20GB plan might be insufficient since modern camera cards usually exceed the 20GB size. You will need to manually do the Adobe Cloud housekeeping to keep from exceeding the 20GB plan. I change my photography plan to 1TB just so I need not worry about storage limits. With the 1TB plan, I rarely exceed 100GB.
Hi Cletus,
Thank you for your feedback.
I'm using Lr Classic on both computers because Classic is still a bit more powerful than the mobile version.
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