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Library module Central panel not showing

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amos diament

May 28, 2017
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Lightroom Classic version: 10.3
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Any idea why only side panels showing, it is not happening all the time and if i exit lr and open again it is ok.
Thanks for help


  • Screen Shot 2021-08-16 at 10.09.19.png
    Screen Shot 2021-08-16 at 10.09.19.png
    1.5 MB · Views: 145
You do not have any folder selected. Is this really how things look? With those double buttons at the bottom? Or is this a glitch that you created in the screenshot? If this is really the view, then Lightroom seems hosed up pretty badly…

I also noted that your folder panel shows disks as folders. Right-click on the ‘/‘ folder and then choose ‘Hide this parent’. Repeat for the ‘Users’ folder. Do the same for the ‘Volumes’ folder below, and then for the ‘SBPD’ folder. You may have to restart Lightroom to show everything in its correct place.

Finally, check those two images in ‘Backups.backdb’. That is a Time Machine backup. Lightroom should not link to any images in a backup, it should link to the original images.
You do not have any folder selected. Is this really how things look? With those double buttons at the bottom? Or is this a glitch that you created in the screenshot? If this is really the view, then Lightroom seems hosed up pretty badly…

I also noted that your folder panel shows disks as folders. Right-click on the ‘/‘ folder and then choose ‘Hide this parent’. Repeat for the ‘Users’ folder. Do the same for the ‘Volumes’ folder below, and then for the ‘SBPD’ folder. You may have to restart Lightroom to show everything in its correct place.

Finally, check those two images in ‘Backups.backdb’. That is a Time Machine backup. Lightroom should not link to any images in a backup, it should link to the original images.
Thanks Johan for answer, the double buttons at the bottom are a glitch while creating the screenshot.I have proceeded according to your adv. and I will wait a few days ( closing and opening LR) to see if it has solved this issue(its occurs randomly).
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