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Can't Start LrC Update

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New Member
Premium Classic Member
Mar 5, 2019
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Lightroom Version Number
Lightroom Classic 10.3
Operating System
  1. Windows 10
I'm currently using Lr 10.3 and want to update, but can't. Here's what has been happening:
1. I start LrC and get the message in 1st attachment. It looks ridiculous, but I think I know what it means and assume it's just poorly worded!
2. I go to Help>Updates and get the second message
3. I click Look For App and OK - third attachment
4. I get the message in the fourth attachment

I'm bewildered - I've no idea what an auphd is, or why there isn't one, or where I go from here.
5. The final attachment contains system information in case you want to see it

Can you help me, please? Thank you!



The first message means exactly what it says, i.e. following the release of the latest updates to Classic and the cloud ecosystem, Lightroom Classic now needs to be at least at version 10.4 in order for cloud syncing to continue. The other screenshots I don't know about, but have you opened the Creative Cloud desktop app and tried the get the update that way (as that is really the ONLY way to get updates now). Open the CC app, look at the Updates tab.

Or did you buy your plan from the MS store?
Thank you, Jim Wilde. After five abortive attempts I finally got the desktop app to open and I got my update.
I still contend that telling me Lightroom needs to sync with Lightroom is ridiculous. I gather the word Mobile is missing from the end of the sentence, and that makes all the difference.
I still contend that telling me Lightroom needs to sync with Lightroom is ridiculous. I gather the word Mobile is missing from the end of the sentence, and that makes all the difference.
To be honest, I didn't even notice how silly that message looks, though I think the problem isn't the "Lightroom" at the end of the sentence, it's actually the missing "Classic" after the first "Lightroom" of the sentence. The headline warning message should also read "Upgrade required for Lightroom Classic" (though they at least got the "LrC" icon right!).
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