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Export Can't export some RAW/DNG files as jpegs

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New Member
Jun 20, 2024
Lightroom Version Number
Operating System
  1. macOS 14 Sonoma
Hi everyone. So I have been using LR for quite a few years now but only to do a bit of light editing and cataloging. I shot my friends wedding last week and post processed it as normal but when I tried to export the files on mass it would do a few then stop. So tried do less at a time but it would do the same and again when I tried to do individual files some would go and some wouldn't. I have removed all the smart previews. There doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to this and no pattern, I use a Fujifilm XT-5. Just to say I did manage to get the original jpegs but these were all exported restricted to 2000 on the long side so are very small files.


  • Image 20-06-2024 at 20.26.jpeg
    Image 20-06-2024 at 20.26.jpeg
    1.9 MB · Views: 132
LR 13 has a nasty bug where Export will just hang when it encounters a corrupt file, which Adobe hasn't even acknowledged as a bug, even though previous versions of LR handled it correctly. To see if your problem files have become corrupted, select one of them and do Metadata > Save Metadata To File. Do you see an error message? Go to Develop and make a minor adjustment -- do you see an error?
LR 13 has a nasty bug where Export will just hang when it encounters a corrupt file, which Adobe hasn't even acknowledged as a bug, even though previous versions of LR handled it correctly. To see if your problem files have become corrupted, select one of them and do Metadata > Save Metadata To File. Do you see an error message? Go to Develop and make a minor adjustment -- do you see an error?
Yes that is exactly what happened. I made a slight adjustment to the WB and it still says the same thing when I tried it again. Is there a fix for this?
The error message is. unknown file 1/0 error (1)
The message is likely "Unknown I/O error". Meaning the app can not read or write If it is the original file, I'd check to see if it is missing, corrupted or you do not have the proper read permissions. If the error is on the output file then I would suspect the destination folder does not have write permissions.
Since "Unknown I/O error" is occurring when you try to change a slider in Develop and when you do Metadata > Save Metadata To File, that indicates that LR is having problems reading the original photo and writing the photo (if it's a JPEG) or the .xmp sidecar (if it's raw).

There would be a different error if the file were missing. A permissions issue normally produces a more perspicuous message. So most likely this is a file corruption issue caused by bad hardware, anywhere from between the memory card and the hard disk where the photo is stored: the memory card, a USB cable or hub if you're using a cable, the USB card reader, bad blocks on the hard disk.

Two general methods for initial diagnostics of suspected hardware problems:

1. In the Mac Disk Utility app, select the memory card and fun First Aid. Ditto for the hard disk.

2. Try using different components: E.g. use a different memory card. Use a card reader if you're using a USB cable and vice versa. Import the photo to a different hard disk (e.g. an external drive). Import from the camera/card to a different computer (e.g. a friends computer).
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I am having the EXACT same issue! When trying to export to a folder on my hard drive, or when trying to email an image file, the export hangs and nothing is exported. I initially got the error message, "Could Not Write Metadata. Unknown file I/O error (4).
Is there any workaround for this? I export images all the time and this is a real issue for me!

There are several possible causes of that error message. To narrow it down:

1. Select one of the photos you're trying to export and do Metadata > Save Metadata To File. If you see an error message, please include a full-resolution screenshot (not a phone pic) of the entire LR window, including the message, here.

2. Take that same photo into Develop and adjust one of the sliders (e.g. Exposure). If you see an error message, please include a full-resolution screenshot (not a phone pic) of the entire LR window, including the message, here.

There are several possible causes of that error message. To narrow it down:

1. Select one of the photos you're trying to export and do Metadata > Save Metadata To File. If you see an error message, please include a full-resolution screenshot (not a phone pic) of the entire LR window, including the message, here.

2. Take that same photo into Develop and adjust one of the sliders (e.g. Exposure). If you see an error message, please include a full-resolution screenshot (not a phone pic) of the entire LR window, including the message, here.
Thank you very much for trying to help with this! When I selected "Save Metadata to File" I then clicked "Continue" and got the attached error message. I did then take the image to the Develop module, move the Shadows slider and it was fine - no error message.
I then clicked "Continue" and got the attached error message.
Your attachment didn't make it. You can insert a screenshot using the Insert Image button at the top center of the message window:
It's important to see all the details to make the best recommendations about how to proceed.
Your attachment didn't make it. You can insert a screenshot using the Insert Image button at the top center of the message window: View attachment 23634 It's important to see all the details to make the best recommendations about how to proceed.
John, let me try again to send the attachment ...


  • Screenshot 2024-06-22 at 5.33.15 PM.jpg
    Screenshot 2024-06-22 at 5.33.15 PM.jpg
    1.6 MB · Views: 78
This change in LR 13 has confused a number of people, but Adobe hasn't yet acknowledged it's a bug not present in 11 or 12. (The product team has management incentives to keep the number of open bugs low.)
What a great way to keep customers happy. NOT!
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